It is very interesting that a friend of mine asked a question at Studylight.org about Angels. Then I get this in my inbox. This is a picture of Air Force C-130 releasing flares to repel heat seeking Missiles. The pattern formed by these "decoys" are how they got their name . . . Angel decoy. It's absolutely awesome!Maneuvers are usually in remote areas and over water, therefore the general public does not get to view these exercises.
I got to thinking about Angel Decoy. Are angels our protectors, such as guardian angels? Or, are they messengers like what angel means, or both? See Psalms 91, for clarification... Psalm 91:11 For He shall give His angels charge over You, to keep You in all Your ways. 12 They shall bear You up in their hands, that You not dash Your foot on a stone.
Satan quotes this in Matthew when Jesus is tempted. This in no way makes God's promise in Psalm 91 any less a promise. There is a limitation, though. I've bolded it above. As I see it, if we Christians step outside God's ways, then we leave God's protection. Jesus never stepped outside God's ways but was perfect in every way. We humans are being sanctified, certainly, but we fail miserably along the way because we are not perfect. However...
Isn't it fascinating that Satan left that word out when quoting Psalm 91 to Jesus?
Matthew 4:6 And he said to Him, If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down; for it has been written: "He shall give His angels charge concerning You, and they shall bear You on their hands, lest You strike Your foot against a stone."
Jesus promptly replies in Matthew 4:7 Jesus said to him, Again it has been written: "You shall not tempt the Lord your God." Deut. 6:16
This is so amazing to me. The Word stopped Satan dead in his deceitful tracks. Jesus never stopped quoting what was written. And the angels will protect us as long as we walk in the ways of God.
I love what Matthew Henry says about how tenderly the angels bear up the saints out of danger, like a nurse (or mommy) gathering up her child in her arms. That is deep affection. Why would angels have this kind of affection for us? What is it about us that gives angels this tender feeling?
Our love for God's Son.
Can you imagine the joy and the rejoicing in Heaven when Jesus rose from the dead? Can you imagine how glorious was the tumult? God's Son the Victor! That is an amazing vision for me.
Psalm 8:1 To the chief musician, on the harp. A Psalm of David. O Jehovah, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth; You have set Your glory above the heavens!
I've never been really clear on what I personally believe about angels. I know what I've read in the Bible - how they bring messages to God's people, fight with the enemy and their protection of Jesus - but I've personally never given them a whole lot of thought in my day-to-day life.
I know angels are real (because the Bible tells us so), but I'm not quite sure what their role is in my everyday, ordinary, going to work, coming home, surfing the net - life.
Do you think they watch over each of us personally? Or do you believe they handle God's 'heavy lifting'only ?
Just curious.
I love this pic, Gina. I posted it last year sometime since Pilot son is flying C-130's. :)
I know there are Angels. I remember a few years back, somehow the conversation of Angels came up in a conversation that my daughter an I were having. My grandson 8yrs. at the time, suddenly said I know who my Angels are. I said you do how do you know? He said I've seen them. I have three, three women Angels.
I said when? He answered, once when Mom and I were leaving the house and driving down the road to go to town. One was on the left side of the road when we first started out then another and the third was sitting on the tree limb. And he discribed them the one in the tree was blonde and one had dark hair and so on and one had dark skin.
I said, they were protecting you, how wonderful that you were blessed to have seen them.
To make a long story short,
This road he was talking about was a place they were living at the time with a man. My daughter had moved in with a very, very bad man, and I knew that my daughter and my grandson were in a great deal of danger. I had been trying to get them away from him.
When they finally got away and came home, is when he talked about it. Until then he had never told his Mother.
Exseno... WOW! I love stories like this one. How marvelous for him to be given that comfort. God is so good all the time! AMEN.
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