"You see, we got a little hole in that flag there, When Washington took it across the Delaware. It got powder burned the night Francis Scott Key sat watching it, writing "Oh Say Can You See" It got a rip in New Orleans, with Packingham & Jackson tugging at its seams.It almost fell at the Alamo beside the Texas flag,But she waved on tho. It got cut with a sword in Chancellorsville, Got cut again at Shiloh Hill.There was Robert E. Lee and Beauregard and Bragg, And the south wind blew hard on "That Ragged Old Flag"
On Flanders Field in World War I, She took a bad hit from a Bertha Gun, She turned blood red in World War II She hung limp and low by the time that one was through,She was in Korea, Vietnam, She went where she was sent by her Uncle Sam. The Native Americans, The Black, Yellow and White All shed red blood for the Stars and Stripes.
And here in her own good land, She’s been abused, burned, dishonored, denied and refused, And the very government for which she stands Has been scandalized throughout out the land. And she’s getting thread bare, and she’s wearing kinda thin,But she’s in pretty good shape, for the shape she’s in. Cause she’s been through the fire before And she can take a whole lot more. So we raise her up every morning And we bring her down slow every night, We don’t let her touch the ground, And we fold her up right. On second thought I do like to brag Cause I’m mighty proud of That Old Ragged Flag.
I pledge alligence to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
In memorium of all who died under this flag for our country and for our freedom. Thank you for keeping me, my family and all my loved ones safe. Thank you for standing between us and the bad guys.
Ragged Old Flag Johnny Cash
Memorial Day
That was a beautiful story. May you have a great Memorial Day.
Congrats on the part time job. It sounds like a job you can do in a flash.
Take me fishing with you someday, on that beautiful lake of yours. Wow!
Come ON... let's go!!! Oh :( it's thundering. We'll have to wait till later.
David, You are a HOOT! Now don't be calling me Flash Gordon. Can't you just hear that song? I'll be singing that until tomorrow morning ARGH!
Wonderful post Gina, absolutely wonderful.
By the way Gina we went to monroe the other day, to the mall and to a place called River West to eat. We thought of you, wish you could have been there.
The problem is these little trips we take are always a spur of the moment. I never know when we're going until the last minute.
I thank Johnny Cash for that song!
Exseno... One day we'll set it up for lunch :)
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