Do you have a talent you haven't completely turned over to God?

Okay... it's a really long title for such a short post, I know that. But, I have just been engrossed in Brandilyn Collins' blog Forensics & Faith. If you are an aspiring writer or you just like to read books, this blog is a must read!

I loved Brandilyn's posts over at Charis Connection. Every day type of happenings have such a creepy twist in her mind and her words just drip with tension.

So why am I blogging about her today? Because I read this question on her blog and it just hit me full in the face... that's why.

I just finished the series about Motivational Spiritual Gifts and I never once asked that question of you... or of myself. How could I not think of that question? It's crucial to turn over our talents to God if we are to live within His will. We must turn over every aspect of our lives to Him, but how many times do we not think about turning over our talents to Him?

I painted window sills this past week (it is the most boring thing a person can do and I admire professional painters who do that for a living. I don't care how much you get paid, it isn't enough!) I can't tell you how many times I prayed, "God, I can't do this, please help me hold my arm up just a little longer... hold this screwdriver straight... hold these blinds...

Talents are God-given for us to use for His glory. We must give them totally to Him so that we can use them to their fullest potential. That is such a simple lesson, but so incredibly deep.

On Wednesday, I'll be talking about her new book Web of Lies and I wanted to ask this question before Wednesday...

Do you have a talent you haven't completely turned over to God?


Anonymous said...

Okay Gina, you got me to thinking WAY to early in the morning! lol But your post does pose such a great question, and I've been thinking about my God given talents since reading this. My own problem is, I really have NO talents at all. What to do when THAT happens??


Refreshment in Refuge said...

Suzy, I have been reading your blog since you came onto Christian Bloggers and I see a beautiful talent. You have a special gift of seeing God's hand in your affliction. You give God the glory in your pain. A lot of people would call that a ministry, but I believe that God gifts us with a special talent FOR the ministry He has prepared for us from the foundation of the world. He knew you before you were knit in your mother's womb. He knew your decisions and your afflictions and because of your strength in Him, He chose you for your specific experiences. That is a God-given talent. You also write well... you use that talent for God's glory. What could be better than that? Suzy, you are beautiful and gifted by God. It doesn't get any better than that on this side of Heaven, amen?

EXSENO said...

I don't know if I do have a talent, I write poetry, even tho it is something that I have never cared much about reading. I have done this since I was young.
I don't know if it's a talent or not it just comes to me. I can be doing the dishes and not even thinking about writing and something will pop into my head and I will have to stop and write it down. It's like someone else gives it to me, it comes effortlessly and I have no idea where it comes from, but much of it is religious.

Refreshment in Refuge said...

YES! This is how God works it, Exseno. I have discovered that when I give God all the glory, then He does even greater things through me...not at all for my glory but for His.

Also, God is most likely talking to you through this talent. I think that is the neatest thing!