Without what, you wonder. That is precisely my point. I had gotten so used to living without hope and without a husband and without a really good job with benefits that I had adjusted to hopeless living all the while putting on the "Joy Face" at church and with friends.
Joy Face is a mask of great deception to one's self. Often the person wearing the mask has no clue that it is, in fact, a mask. When it slips, all the cracked pieces fall to the floor again and there's the shattering, clanging cymbol sound which drowns out God's voice. Once the echos of the sound fade away, I found God's soothing voice of comfort in my heart. He was talking to me like a mother soothing a crying baby, all the while He was putting my heart back together. I have found out that if you do not help God put the pieces back together, then they go back together without scar tissue and the heart bears no grudge, no anger, no bitterness and no baggage. If you help God put the pieces back together, you hinder the process and scars do develop encasing some anger, some bitterness and a bit of baggage within the tough, hard fibers of healing. Those are difficult to remove once the scar tissue is formed.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow because He loved me through that period. I was in constant state of prayer. I prayed about everything and frequently prayed myself to sleep. I studied my Bible in-depth, pouring myself into study to make up for the lack of any social life except church. And I was at church every time the doors were opened. So my pouring out of myself before God accomplished something that I had no idea I needed at the time.
Except, I kept trying to heal. I knew I had to heal in order to be a healthy, productive Christian living for Jesus and ministering, doing the works He had planned for me before the formation of the world. I could do this because I had Jesus in my heart. Hmmmm
I poured myself into a Christian forum and studied my Bible, positive this was what I was supposed to do to get myself back together. But, I had closed off a section of my heart to all people, children and God. I see that now, but didn't know I was doing it then. This was where I poured all the alcohol. God was nagging me all along about this habit, much more so than the smoking. He nagged so insistently and consistently that I finally was able to go a day without drinking. Then another day and soon (about a month after I'd moved out from my husband of twenty years) I was sober and it felt wonderful! I could actually hear God's voice.
I realized I had used that numbing tool to keep from feeling

Satan woos... The Christian is seduced... Sin creeps in... And we have a witch's brew for web entanglement. Then comes the justifying of sin, the reasoning of it, the excusing of it and the finger pointing when all along we must look to God to do the house cleaning. Without His cleansing power, we are powerless to resist Satan and his plots and ploys.
Flesh + Satan = Failure.
Submission + Spirit + Jesus = Successful Christian Living.
All too often we Christians will try to substitute worldly things to fill in the God-sized hole in our spirit. We shop till we drop, we drink socially, we complain to our friends, we vacation, we beach it, we surf it, we ship it, we dance it, we smoke it, we pretend we're fine with a Joy Face when all the time our heart is full of scar tissue which we've patched together with one hand while holding the Bible in the other hand. Hopeless living while pretending to be full of Hope, Faith and Charity. It is time to pull off the mask and let God pick up all the shattered pieces. Only He has the blueprint because He is the Creator after all.
You are such a wonderful testimony and such a great encourager, Gina. May God have many many blessings for you in store.
Handing you some chocolate roses and a big hug:-)
God's Grace.
Gina - I missed yesterday, and WOW, I missed a bunch.
Thank you for sharing what must have been very hard. We are real people with real heart aches, and your being “real” will equal healing to real folks. May the Lord bring healing to many because of your words.
Corry, THANK you for the chocolate roses! They looked so yummy on your blogaversery cake :) Also sending you a big hug for your encouragement.
David, you have no idea HOW hard it is to face those things which I did. God is most definitely using me to minister to others. I praise Him for that. I do believe that part of the healing process is helping others through some similar circumstance.
i can relate to the putting on a joy face, pretending to be happy and alright when the truth is i wasn't. i had a collection of masks i'd wear in different occasion until i got sooo tired of changing masks, i decided to not to wear any and just be myself. it felt much better. i've learned forgiveness and so i was able to discard my masks... all of 'em. Thank God!
Pia, you are so right! The masks become too heavy to lift!
Thank you, Bonnie!
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