I just want to ask. Why do bad things happen to good people?
Someone once said that it was because good people make bad decisions. Yes. I can see that.
What about those good people who do not make bad decisions? Why do bad things happen to them? Jeremiah asks, "Why do the wicked prosper?" 12:1 Yeah... I want to know the answer to that question, too.
We know that God is righteous and no matter what He decides or allows He is right, just and holy. I am not questioning that. I also know that God hands us trials and tribulations so that we can learn from them and be prepared for our eternal purpose. That makes sense. But that is so much book knowledge. My heart is what doesn't understand.
No. I do not see the big picture. No one does. But, how does a mother explain to a daughter that what is happening to her right now is not because she is unworthy or unlovely. God takes ashes and turns the into beauty. How do you explain that to a daughter who has turned her life around and dedicated her life to God, gotten close to Him and then is kicked in the teeth? That is next to impossible to explain.
Hi Gina-
My Firefox browser is showing your Bible Search box to StudyLight superimposed over your most recent post. Then I checked Internet Explorer, and it doesn't show this box at all.
I looked at the "View Source" on my browser, and it appears to me that if you go in and move the second line below above the first that it should take care of it in both browsers (or delete the StudyLight code if the box is too big for your sidebar area - which it probably is):
End #sidebar
size:200 px script language="Javascript" src="http://www.studylight.org jscripts searchcode.cgi"
(Blogger comments won't accept HTML code, so I had to take some of the characters out to get this through)
Hope it works!
Thank you, Scott for letting me know! I thought I had removed that bit of code. You are a peach! BTW, I really liked your article on eternal security. It's a keeper.
Thank you Sam! Those are such sweet words. I do cherish those firey trials I've weathered. it is a hugely difficult lesson to learn and sometimes, there is just no explanation because it takes faith.
Why do bad things happen to good people? I think that I'd likely tell myself something different than I'd tell someone else. To me I'd say, "They don't. There are no 'good people'." I don't deserve heaven. I don't deserve the lovely wife and the food I have and the shelter I have. I deserve an immediate and painful termination. When bad things happen to me, you won't hear me saying, "That's not fair!" I don't want "fair" from God.
Suffering seems to be a constant in Scripture. Silly God ... He seems to think it's a good thing. It's a promise. Paul says it's granted. James says it produces patience which produces perfection (James 1:2-4). I tend to lean toward Jeremiah's perspective.
My endurance has perished; so has my hope from the LORD. Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me. But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lam. 3:18-23).
Sometimes balancing compassionate comfort with the truth is difficult. The truth is knowing God is sufficient unto itself. The truth is suffering is good for us. The truth is God works all things together for good. That may not be much comfort, but it's true. How do you get that across to someone in need of comfort?
I usually get it across by hugging the one needing comfort and saying basically the same thing you and Samantha said.
But to someone who is new to this walking in faith, it seems like a slap rather than soul stretching. So, I pray.
Ah..... Isn't this where faith enters...???? :)
And so Hebrews brings us to our senses again.. Lay aside "the sin"
(lack of faith) run the race... look to Jesus..
But I also really think you were right to in your answer to Sam...
A hug and prayer is so right on for your children especially. Somethings must be learned thru the Spirit at work. Again as Heb 12 tells us about "despise not the chastening."
Love reading your thots Gina..
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