Hope is an absolute must for healthy living. Without hope, there is despair. Without hope there is depression. Without hope, faith cannot survive. Without hope, love gasps for breath.
Notice something with me. Hope. Help. One letter difference, but what a difference. In the center of Help is El... God. I believe that is by divine design.
Hope and Faith are not designed to last forever. We hope and we put faith in the Everlasting Father. But Love is the Everlasting Father. I am quite satisfied with the hope and the faith that God gives me... I could not live without it. While we have breath, there is hope. While we have breath we have faith, but once breath leaves us, we either have Love, and love lasts eternally; or we do not have Love, and a soul without love is tortured.
Help does not come to the dead. Help comes to the living, breathing physical beings that we are. So, indeed, a living dog is better than a dead lion. How can it not be so?
Psa 121:1 A Song of Ascents. I will lift up my eyes to the hills; from where shall my help come?
2 My help comes from Jehovah, the Maker of the heavens and the earth.
3 He will not give your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, He who keeps Israel will not slumber nor sleep.
5 Jehovah is the One keeping you; Jehovah is your shade on your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night;
7 Jehovah shall keep you from all evil; He shall keep your soul.
8 Jehovah shall keep your going out, and your coming in, from now on and till forever.

Gina, I copied this over at my place! You have no idea, dear Sister, how much this ministered to me tonight. It was perfect.
I am so thankful the good Lord uses our friends to reach out and touch one another!
You are a blessing to me!
Gina... that was really good...
I love to read your commentary. I usually always get a lift. And if I don't I know the problem is probably mine :)
I am certain you know how much I needed to read this right now. Thank you, my friend.
Claire, I am honored! Thank you ;)
Russ... I seriously doubt the problem is with you... it is probably that I am not explaining myself very well. LOL That'll have to change!
Val, I have been praying for you. I sincerely hope that things have smoothed out a little. God is in control and He always makes all things for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
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