God asked me that question last Tuesday, again on Wednesday, again on Thursday and for the last time yesterday.
It reminded me of when Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love Me, Peter?" "Yes, Lord, I love you," Peter replies.
"Yes, Lord, I trust You. I've trusted You since I was a little girl." My reply was instantaneous. I never hesitate when God asks me that question for I know to the depth of my soul that God is in control and His will is best for my life. I haven't always lived that way, but I have always known in my heart that His way is best.
Every day I get a rejection letter in the mail and every day I get job offers in my inbox. The rejection letters come from those jobs in Chicago, Denver, Nashville, and other big city places that I just do not want to move to, but I had to face facts a couple of months ago that there is nothing within commute distance that would pay me enough to build up a retirement. So I shot off my resume to all these exciting, exotic places, knowing in my heart of hearts that it was a waste of time. Until, I got a phone call from a company in Florida. They were impressed with my skills and my credentials and would I be interested in going through the interview process for the editor position they had for their Grants Alert Newsletter? Would I! Of course! Great pay, live in Florida where Mom could make friends... and the cost of living is about as high as the Moon.
So... what am I trusting God about? It has a lot to do with why my picture will be in the paper next week.
I am the new editor for our local paper.
The pay is terrible. They know its terrible and they also know that I am by far over qualified for the job. But...
What a challenge! I have a sales person to train and motivate. I have a parish/county just about emptied out -- we have about 5800 pop -- but look how many stories to tell that could be. The paper has been neglected and needs some tender loving care to build back the circulation and to build back the advertisor base. We don't have to move. We can have fires during the winter. I can wear sweaters. It might snow. Okay... I know! I'm trying too hard to find the positive in this.
When I first sent in my resume last May, I didn't care the pay was bad. But, on Tuesday I woke up wrestling with God about this job. Keep an open mind, He said. Just go talk to them, He said. How can you ignore the voice of God? I can't, so I went. I got the job on the spot. This is the first time anyone has hired me on the spot. This is the first time I had so much fun at the interview, I didn't want it to end. I can't wrap my brain around that.
Who in their right mind would even think twice about taking a great paying job in Florida over a podunk part time editor job in a podunk village in the sticks of Louisiana? Apparently, God has some plans in mind that He isn't sharing with me at this moment. It's for sure He has some work for me to do. I'm all for that! If this job turns out to be even half as much fun as being the economic development director for the parish/county... I'm in for a great ride.
Yee-Haw!!!! Congrats to you my dear sister! How exciting! I am so happy for you and very proud of you. Who cares that it is a little town? An editor is an important job that most don't seem to take seriously enough. Truth. You have a chance to make certain that truth is told objectively. WOW!
You have a chance to share local stories that encourage and build up. You have a chance to permit the local schools to print their papers through you and publish them as part of your paper too possibly. You have the greatest opportunity to build up a community with better morals and values. You hold the most influential position in your parish. You have a chance to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to so many people you will now come into contact with.
Sorry, I am so excited for you that I got on my favorite soapbox. I know someday y'all are going to take it away from me and make me type ONE sentece replies! LOL!
I love you dearly, Julianne
Congrats Gina!
Overqualified, underpaid - hey, that's better than underqualified and overpaid, that one never lasts!!
I trust you've placed this in God's hands, and I'm sure he'll place you where you can best serve!
Thank you, Julianne for all those great ideas! They are great, too. And thank you, my dear brother Scott! You are correct, I have put this whole thing right in God's lap. I had no clue why God was so urgent, it seemed, for me to just go talk to them... then, after I was there for just 2 days, everything fell into place. I really can make a difference because I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.
Oh my goodness, Gina, You did not tell us this wonderful news yesterday. I am so excited. What an opportunity for you. I know a great story about an "first time ever in the parish" event happening at FBC Newellton on October 31st. Ha!!!! Here there's going to be some good food too!!!!! Have a wonderful Monday. BR
Brenda, I didn't share because... hmmm, I guess I'm still wrestling with God about this.
Here's what I keep telling myself... the blessings God pours out over those who do His will cannot be counted and are overflowing. You simply cannot out give God. So, why worry about retirement? Just, put away what I can and then trust God. Trust that He will put in my path a way to build that retirement.
Then again, Jesus may come tomorrow! Come Lord Jesus Come quickly!
Ohhh Gina, your last comment truly blessed me. I often struggle with all the "what ifs" of my situations in attempting to be a provider. You are right in all that you shared above...Jehovah-jireh is our Lord God Provider! He is the Provider, not me. Trust in Him. I love you sis!!!
Thank you, Samantha... I love that picture! You are adorable :)
Julianne, YES... He is all that, why do we doubt?
Gina, I am so happy for you!!!
God is so good. His provisions are always the best but we need to wait on Him. Our impatience is often the killer.
Congratulations, girl!!
God's Grace.
Wow. I am happy for you, Gina!
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