There is something inside my soul that tells me this. When I wanted to quit my job because I was so angry at my boss for whatever reason, I cleaned off my desk piled it all on his desk, grabbed my purse and literally stomped out the door. Emotion was fueling my actions like I had never experienced before. I was right and he was wrong. I was right to quit and leave that awful place. It was in a bad part of town anyway. I hadn't gotten more than three blocks down the street before I had this gut wrenching feeling that warned me in no uncertain terms that I must turn around, eat crow and get my job back.
It was the best thing I ever did. My boss took me back and forgave me that incredible outburst. I truly didn't deserve that, but I do believe God was at work in a great way on that day.
So when someone asked that question, I thought about that day long ago and came up with a few reasons how I knew what I did was not in God's will and how I knew what I did next was in God's will. Comparing what I said and what Charles Stanley say

Science discoveries such as how vast the universe is and DNA, prove God's well ordered and plan for the physical world. The Bible outlines very carefully God's perfect plan for our salvation and reconciliation to Himself. We know, then that God has a plan for each of us. So how do we know we are within that plan?
Let me share what Charles Stanley says. There are a few questions we can ask ourselves:
1. Is it consistent with the Bible?
2. Is this a wise decision?
3. Can I honestly ask God to enable me to achieve this?
4. Do I have genuine peace about this?
5. Does this fit who I am as a follower of Jesus?
6. Does this fit God's overall plan for my life?
7. Will this decision honor God?
As soon as I turned my car around and headed back to the office, that gut wrenching feeling of impending doom left me immediately. Even though I had to eat humble pie, the peace I felt was a living presence. This was not the first time this kind of Holy Spirit guidance happened to me, nor was it that last...far from it.
The peace passes understanding. The turmoil in my soul was an excellent warning that I wasn't within God's will for my life or that of my family. How I acted was certainly not how Jesus would have me act. God had provided that job to help put food on the table, how could I just walk out on a blessing that God had given me and my family through me? In the few minutes it took for me to drive three blocks, God had escorted me through a thought process that made me understand how He directs my life...if I will allow Him to.
I may take these questions and add some Bible verses to them and write a study for our women's retreat. Pray with me on this.
Hi Gina: I know exactly what you mean when you say "the turmoil in my soul was an excellent warning that I wasn't within God's will. . ." That little voice (our conscience?) inside of us is telling us we are out of sync with Him and His will for us. We have a free will, then, to decide how we want to respond.
One of these days, when I have a lot of extra time (HA!), I plan to write about this topic in depth because I view this as the root of some (not all) of the psychological problems which I see in my practice.
I think I'll get Stanley's devotional - it sounds very thought provoking.
His devotional is very thought provoking. You will enjoy it, I'm quite sure.
Val, if you write something in the next couple of months... share it with me, would you?
I was watching "Inside the Mind of a Stalker" on A&E tonight. I couldn't believe it but this rapist/stalker's therapist had him write out all his fantasies about stalking women on paper!
I do not understand how nonChristians just do not get it. Writing it down is the next step to committing the act.
i guess that turmoil thing is our conscience. it's God's way of telling us that something is not right. another way to tell if you're in God's will is when you are at peace with what you're doing or about to do. but still the best way to know God's will is through His Word. if we're consistent with the Bible then we know for sure we're in God's will.
i thought my site was hacked. couldn't access it for a while. it says FORBIDDEN. c",)
You are right, Pia, about knowing for sure by comparing it to the Bible. Can't go wrong with that!
I'm glad your place is up and running again!
I question the therapist's judgement on that one, too - although I didn't see that particular show.
Whoops - I forgot! I thank you for your kind comments on my blog. Your support means a lot to me. good to know I'm not the only one who's had the "temper tantrum at work" thing happen to them.
My boss took me back, too but it took me all WEEKEND to swallow the crow.
Love those questions by the way!
Jules, not you, too?! I thought I was the only idiot. The questions are good and I think should be used whenever a decision has to be made. At least something like them would help making decisons easier.
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