I do not know why I have not been able to drag myself away from the news channels. All my family are fine, one house is somewhat damaged and needs a new roof but the other house in Moss Point is perfectly fine. No one is hurt. I praise God for all of that, yet I weep at the misfortune of others. My older daughter lost everything. My younger daughter didn't even lose power.
From God's eye view, New Orleans is just a speck on the horizon. Can't even tell where it is. And yet, God is absolutely in control. We may have trials and tribulations beyond the scope of our imaginations, but not beyond God's ability to protect, test and save all for His glory. Why do bad things happen to good people? Because there is much to learn, much to minister, much to bring glory to God. God does not get glory from the bad things that happen. God is glorified when His people act like Jesus and when people who do not know Him, get the opportunity to meet Him through His children.

I think it is the fault of yellow journalism. The anger gets heard and the gratefulness takes the back seat. Gratefulness is not exciting. Because most of those affected have dark skins, then it must be a racial issue. Poppycock. It is a disgrace to journalism that most of the reporters I have seen the past several days have sensationalized and catagorized the events to the point that it absolutely must be someone's fault the people in this trauma were not instantly "beamed" to safety.
The question was asked of a reporter, "How long did it take you to get where you are standing?" The reporter answered, "Two days." General Honore said, "Well, there you go. That's why it's taken us so long to get here." Reporters latched on to the fact that school buses were standing by for 2 days before being allowed to go into New Orleans. Some of our buses were in that pack. The drivers were told before they left that they would not go into the war zone without armed guards on each bus. Why is that?
Did you see the story about the overturned bus just north of Lafayette and south of Opelousas? An angry evacuee tussled with the bus driver while the bus was in motion! The bus overturned and 17 were injured and 1 was dead. That's why.
As I watched this story unfold, I noticed quite a bit of idiocy in the reporting, false accusations, false reports, hysteria, blatant use of emotional words designed to wrench the heart and stir up anger. I saw lots of angry reporters. My friends, when that happens, then the journalist disappears and inflamation appears. For me, the travesty of horrible journalism was surpassed by the tragedy of the storm aftermath, absolutely. The aftermath will be cleaned up and cities will be rebuilt, but I'm afraid that the integrity of journalism is now an oxy moron.
You can go to Dee Andrews blog to get a close up view of what's going on at the coast. Her husband is running a newspaper in Picayune and is printing real news, not slanted or canted toward an agenda.
Here is what I know. My brother-in-law, Jimmy, is an operations manager for Acadian Ambulance and was working for 36 hours straight with triage. The helicopter evacs dropped off patients and left. Jimmy said he saw more dead bodies in the past few days than he had seen his entire career as an EMT and a Paramedic. I ache for the unsung heros. Those doctors and nurses who would not leave their patients and those paramedics that worked night and day to save as many lives as they could. The enormity of this cannot be fathomed.
We have been praying for all those effected by Katrina, join us.
Gina, I have nothing but praise for all those who go out of their gords to do all they can to help. I am amazed and grateful how fast help and rescue, restoration of power, telephone and even cable tv occured.
It angers and frustrates me to see (much) of the media reporting, showing, searching only for negativity and blame, giving a false image of what is really going on: A nation/world-wide fellowship helping those in need as quickly as humanly possible.
I pray for the victims but also, God bless all those helping, in whatever capacity, to bring relief. No matter how small.
Thank you Lord, for everyone of them!! They are the ones that bring God glory and are a testimony of His love and mercy, along with all the victims who kept and still have their faith in these times of tribulation.
God's Grace.
I am sickened by how people are blaming others for their own mistakes. Now is NOT the time to be causing division, it is the time to be unified in spirit and cooperation for the common goal. I, too, am amazed at the PROGRESS which is being made - and the unselfishness of the doctors and nurses. Tell your brother in law that we said "thank you". And, thank you for stopping by God's Gals.
it's all over the news. still praying for the victims. and i agree with what corry said. God bless those who are helping no matter how small their contributins are.
Which is worse?
A. Katrina
B. The Leeve break
C. The Blame Game
D. The Reporting
For me my answer is C. The Blame Game. We have people dieing, homeless, stranded, ect....and Everyone is blaming everyone else and nothing is getting done. Not much different that 9/11...who's anniversery is coming up.
But there are shining examples of sacrific, heroism and selflessness on the part of hundreds.
Gina I will keep you and you family in Louisana in my prayers.
I agree. Why is so much energy spent on blaming when it could be spent helping?
We Christians get on this path far too often as well, don't we?
Thank you, Jer! You are a peach.
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