Compared to the pictures from New Orleans, Gulfport, Buloxi and others, this is hardly noteworthy except for God's hand in it.
We are fine, praise God. The trees that are down fell parallel to the driveway and away from the house. My brother-in-law is alive and well even though he was in the center of the storm because he is a supervisor for an ambulance service. He's doing search and rescue right now. Pray for his safety.
My daughters and son-in-law are safe. My nephew and his family ar

I pray all is well with you.
Thank you for the update and praise the Lord none of your family was harmed. I was wondering how you faired during the storm
Wow, glad to hear that, considering everything, you guys are ok.
Gina, I am so grateful you and family are well.
We rode it out and I will post soon. We too all are fine. God blessed us:-)
God's Grace.
Thanks for letting us know you're OK. I'm praying for you and your family. Our church just had a blood drive Sunday. Guess where it's going? That's providence!
dantelw from S.L.
thank God your family is safe. saw what happened in the news. still praying for the ones affected.
Gina, it is wonderful to hear you are all safe! Be careful in the cleaning up! Praise the Lord for His protective care!
Glad to hear you're alive. If I had a better job, I'd definitely be down there helping out. Praying for you and others through the wake of this.
In His blessings,
Be careful Gina, I'll pray for you.
Glad to hear you are okay, Gina. Please continue to keep us informed, okay? Also, when you get the chance, email me, would you? THanks! (I sent an email to you last night).
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