I thought about doing 5 or 6 posts and then making you promise to read only 1 per day, but then how would I know you did that? So I thought about what has been making me laugh for the past several days and it has to be a picture I saw on Joe B's site (God Even Loves Idiots Like Me). You may have already seen it. I can't help it. It cracks me up every time and I just love studying this picture it should be on a museum wall somewhere. The child is pure artist and she obviously knows it!

Coming up...
I roped a handsome, young, single fellow into answering some computer security questions for us. Hopefully, I'll have that ready when I get back. I pray you all enjoy the rest of the summer. I plan to, but hey, Paul said when we make plans, God laughs. Well, okay, he didn't exactly say that but he implied it.
Enjoy! See ya in a week.
Gina, I hope you get rested from your time away. I'm sure you'll come back with much blogger fodder. :)
Hey! Thank you so much for the lovely comments you've been leaving over at my place. You're a blessing. And thanks for the link! I will run and link to you now. :)
God bless!
Enjoy the rest.
God's Grace.
Hey you can steal a picture from me anytime. (Don't tell anyone but I stole it too.) Also, I think you can do four or five posts and change the dates and times at the bottom of the "create your post" page so that they come up on different days. I am not positive but I think you can do that next time.
God bless, joe
Gina - Relax and enjoy your time away. I'll look forward to your return!
hi gina!
the kid sure is an artist. thanks for stopping by my blog and for the comment too. I hope you don't mind me linking you to my site. i'm so glad my daily reads has been increasing in numbers.
enjoy your time off! God bless!
I've spent the last hour or so reading your blog. Great pic here.
I thought I'd be polite and leave a note that I was here before moving on. Take care!
Wow, some artist! Is the paint of choice chocolate, spaghetti sauce or perhaps this looks like blue marker? Whoever has to clean little Picasso up, I wish them good luck.
Have fun on your vacation Gina!
Hey Gina, I found you through Goldilox and JoeB (the idiot). You've got a great blog going and look forwarding to reading more from you. JoeB is a good friend of mine (I'm the one he always reminds that I'm the OLDER one....I'm just 51, so you understand that we ain't old at all!)
Come drop in at Being God's sometime.
I hope your rest is the best!
lol - i keep coming back to peek at that pic. What a hoot!
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