This post has nothing to do with the title... I just remembered that from a long time ago and thought it funny, maybe you will too!
Background information which you need:
My Dad died four years ago. While sorting though all the junk he'd acquired his 73 year life (the man never even threw away rusting 10-penny nails!) I laid my hand on all his Craftsman Tools and not one tear dropped from my eyes. At the funeral, I didn't cry... not even when Mom cried... neither at the graveside nor after we got home. Until I looked outside my bathroom window and saw a wad of papertowels stuffed into the crook of the gas meter. I didn't burst from crying or anything; just a few tears trickled down my cheeks and then I cried a little bit from just wishing he was still there. Next day, I drag out his tools and I sort all the wood planks he had stacked in the back and set to work on a flower box. You know the kind... big enough for a seat. I envisioned an arch over the seat with lots of wildflowers waving in the breeze behind the seat. Maybe a pot of lillies on one side of the seat. Yeah! Beautiful. I set to work and built me a flower box in the front of the house.
"What cha doin'?" came an almost continuous call as folks walked and drove up and down the main drag. (We live on the busiest street in town, but you have to realize that 6 cars makes a traffic jam!)
It got to the point I wanted to put a sign up saying, "This Will Be A Beautiful Flower Box". I did not realize until just a little while ago that the box was my Grief Box. I poured all my grief into that box.
Mom hated it. She tried to make amends and bought me some dirt to go into it but it didn't fill the box up. I planted my wildflowers in it anyway. Wouldn't you know, none of the flowers bloomed and it just looked like a box of weeds. Sigh... Mom hated it. We had a huge argument about it two years ago. I did not realize why it made me so angry that she hated it and wanted me to take it down. For two years, we skipped over the box issue. We never talk about it.
Here's the scene this morning:

Sun is shinning brightly. Storms have passed. Ground is soft and moist. And I'm outside planting flowers, digging up flower beds and pulling up weeds. I take a break and drink a cup of coffee with Mom. We chat about different things, but it is really pleasant.
I go back to work. After I'm done with two beds, I get the brilliant idea to put the left over bricks stacked up around the old box to spruce it up some. Maybe that will satisfy Mom for awhile. Thank goodness it is cool today because it was back breaking work! I have muscles groaning that haven't spoken to me since I was in High School.
I get two rows stacked up. Pour fire ant killer on the other bricks; no sense in toting ants from the back yard to the front yard. They can make that trip all on their own little legs just fine thank you.
Mom comes around the corner of the house to let me know she was running an errand. She sees me bent over the flower box and says, "You're taking down the box!" She's got this really sweet, soft look on her face, like I'd just given her a diamond ring or something.
My menopausal monster rose up its ugly head and snarled, breathing fire. I swatted the beast

"But you are going to take it down before you leave, aren't you?" she asked as I walked by.
I said an ugly word. I gathered up all my pots and potting soil; put away the rake and shovel and wheel barrow; then with horrible thoughts like, "That is the last dime I'm spending on this yard. No more flowers. No more breaking my back to make this place look nice," I stomped inside. I was so upset, I ate two Krispy Kreme donuts and I can't even remember eating them.
I have spent loads of money on this yard. My sister gave me 10 Japanaca plants and 6 Crepe Myrtle plants for my birthday 2 years ago and I planted them in this yard. I have walked over every foot of this acre sized yard with buckets of fire ant killer... and I'm leaving?!?
Oh. Yes! I'm getting married to a most wonderful fellow. So why do I get so angry when someone wants to take down that flower box?
I expressed my grief. I used his tools. I used his wood. I sweated while doing it. Perhaps it is time to let go of the Flower Box. I just planted another box full of wildflower seeds in it, though. Plus, I just put all that really good mulch in it. In about 2 months, we'll see what comes up. I do know that I must work on letting go of that box. It isn't healthy. Perhaps it is because I put so much work into it. I'll have to be honest... it doesn't look a thing like I envisioned it. Something happened in the execution of the plan...
I can understand. This is how you are grieving. Maybe you can make your own flower box in your home when you are married. I have pigeon trophies my dad won when he raced his pigeons-at school and home. My husband has a company hat of where his dad worked. We all need something.
I wish I had known my Dad. He died before I was even 2 yrs old:-)
Hey sis, what's this? Are you getting married? Did I miss something?
God's Grace.
Oh, that is the secret that you were going to tell me over lunch wasn't it. haha, well guess what, the minute you told me you would tell me a secret, that is exactly what I thought it would be. I remembered you saying awhile back that you met a nice man and might go out with him. Well horay for you. I'm happy for you.
As for you Mom acting that way about the flower box, do you think there is any possiblity that your father was going to build a flower box and didn't get around to it and that is what is bothering your Mother maybe it makes her hurt inside thinking about it, you know what I mean?
aah Gina-haven't read your blog for a season and when I do I so relate. (I met you through FIF and Nano) I have moments that I miss my Dad so much-it's unreal.
Thanks for sharing this-many blessings!
Exseno, I can't hide anything from you, eh? Yes! That is the secret. But now, it isn't a secret anymore. Everyone in Tensas Parish knows. I got a call from a gal I used to work with and she was all excited. She said, Cleve is such a nice man. I tell you, I've got a JEWEL for sure. God is so good to gift me with this man. I don't have to question my judgement because everyone in Tensas has known him since he was born and they all say the same thing. He's such a nice man. I'm in heaven!
Cindy! It is so great to hear from you! I don't see you much at F*i*F :) but NANO was fun. It is sad, isn't it, that we miss them so much! I can hardly wait to get to Heaven to see loved ones that I miss so much.
Ah, it sounds great Gina, my best to you both.
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