I find it truly intriguing that premature babies born weighing less than a pound actually survive and grow up and live productive lives. No... that's not the intriguing part. What I find intriguing is that a lot of women believe that they have a choice to abort the baby in the first trimester.
There is now a Baby Doppler that records the baby's heart beat as early as 10 weeks, not 12 weeks.

David said, "You knit my in most parts while I was in the womb." How sweet the thought that God knew each of us before we were even born. We know all about DNA now, but not knowing about DNA back during Jesus' day did not make it untrue, it only was unknown. What more scientific proof that babies are live human beings do we need to stand up and cry, "Enough!" What scientific marvel will be discovered that will show us all about babies, and what shame we will then look back upon this age of murder and weep and wail about the wasted lives? I couldn't help but cry out.
I agree with you totally on this issue. I am the grateful recipient of two other women's unselfish decision to not abort and to place their chilren within the arms of loving adoptive parents. We say a prayer every day for these women.
I am happy to discover a new blogging friend!!
Excellent post! It is so true... I'm a scientist myself who believes in God and I know Him as my personal Savior! I get such odd, mixed reactions from people who don't understand how a Christian can be a scientist... but I just love it every time God shows Himself in the science arena (as if He doesn't ALWAYS show Himself there!) like in that example! *Some* scientists care more about a rare plant than a child, a gift from God... Great post and I'm glad I found your blog!
Valarie, it makes me so joyful when I find out someone has been adopted or has adopted. I could write volumns about this. God takes the trash and gives back treasures and I know that God makes good things come from the bad as He has promised to those who love the Lord according to His good purposes. Amen.
Cindy-Lou, what a great testimony! Lessee, Newton was a scientist and he believed in God, Einstein believed in God, Gallileo (sp?) believed in God. I'm pretty sure that now even Darwin believes there is God. Why is it that people think being a scientist equates to disbelief in God? I have heard more and more testimonies about scientist who set out to disprove there is a God and winding up becoming deep believers. Hoo-ray!
Callie, I adore babies, too. I keep hoping that I'll get to be a grandmother soon. My daughter and her husband just bought a house, so maybe soon... soon...
Now a word from a man...
I have had both the fear and the joy of being at the birth of two of my children who were born premature.
I plan to soon volunteer at at Premie ward once a week to help holding these fragile infants.
My first born son was a risk from the beginning. My wife was a double kiddney transplant patient since she was little. Doctors discouraged her from having babies. But I support her decision to try. I have to make a long story short. Our doctor recommended she abort the baby when he learned she was pregnant. We got a second doctor who worked with special cases like this. Three month before Jeremy was due...my wife had an alergic reaction to iodine to see if the baby was affecting her one kiddney. He was born at 1 pound 10 onces. When I held him after the 24 hour crisis period...he just filled the palm of my hand.
The second was my second born daughter of my second marriage. My wife came down with the flu a month or so short of her due date. We went to the hospital after church because she felt uncomfortable. A team of doctors felt she wasn't due for a while and went out to consult. I was in the room with a training nurse when my wife gave a yell...grabbed her sheets and out popped Kassandra. The doctors came and rushed her off to ICU. Because she swallowed amiotic fluid her lungs were immature. She has to be lifeflighted to Childrens Primary Hospital to undergo ECMO treatments.
I met some very strong fighters among the premies. There parents, doctors and nurses were fighting with them to stay alive on ventilators, surgery, intervenious feedings. We all cheered when a little one graduated...we all cried and hugged when the fight was lost.
Each and every life is precious and should be preserved. If one does not agree...they have not visited a Premie ICU unit to find out. Volunteer for a week...these kids will change your life.
Jerry, what a fantastic story! God blessed you and your wife, amen! I love seeing how God works.
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