What a Treat!
This is one of the most delicious reads in a long time. It is truly a real treat if you like romance in a Christian view.
"Words fell out of her mouth like corn from an air popper..."
Descriptions like that pepper this book and I loved it because they were such neat surprises. Brenda Coulter can make a tear or two squeeze out and then laughter bubble up a couple of pages later. It is simply my cup of tea.
I asked her my questions:
Gina: When you were writing A Family Forever, what did you learn about yourself and God? How has that impacted your life since?
Brenda: I write for my own entertainment, but also in the hope that my stories will give others a few hours of wholesome reading pleasure. I am neither searching for nor trying to teach spiritual lessons in my stories. In my mind, writing romance is simply good, clean fun. So you might as well ask what I learned about myself and God when I completed a Sunday crossword puzzle or went for a walk or baked a birthday cake for a friend. Sure, we can find spiritual lessons everywhere. But the act of writing this book wasn't a unique opportunity for spiritual growth.
I've been exploring her blog at http://brendacoulter.blogspot.com go take a few minutes and visit her. It's halarious. I found some Qs & As that are gems and she gave me permission to post them...
What's a smart woman like you doing writing romance novels?
Brenda: I'm afraid my hands aren't steady enough for brain surgery. And although I'd love to do rocket science, I don't want to leave my family and move to California, which is where The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is located. So I just content myself with writing romance novels.
Why do you call your husband your hunka burnin' love?
Brenda: That's "hunk o' burnin' love." Don't you remember Elvis? Actually, I never cared for that song, but one day I was kidding around and addressed a birthday card to "My Hunk o' Burnin' Love." Soon he was signing notes and cards to me, "Your HBL." Our boys were teenagers when they caught on. They would often answer the phone and then bellow, "Mom! It's your hunk o' burnin' love!"
When is your next book coming out?
Brenda: A Family Forever, my second inspirational romance novel, will be a March '06 release from Steeple Hill Love Inspired. You should see it in stores by the tail-end of February. Check my website for details.
Do you believe there is EVER a situation when chocolate is not called for?
Brenda: I can't think of one.
Why are you still reading this post??? Click on the title and go to Amazon.com and order her book! You cannot have mine because mine is autographed and has a little sticker on the front that says Autographed Copy.
Okay... I forgot to tell you what the book is about. A damsel in distress (of course) and a knight in a shining bicycle helmet. Tucker Sharpe wants to marry Shelby because his brother was her fiance' and was killed in a biking accident just 3 weeks before they were to wed. On top of that, she's pregnant. Oh, it's gets better and better, just go buy the book and find out for yourself... you won't be sorry, I promise!
Christian books
Christian Romance novels
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