Pedophiles are victims???

In a recent report by Charles Butts, the American Psychiatric Association's presenting professionals are urging their peers to establish pedophilia as something close to normal behavior when they remove it from the list of mental disorders in their manual.

Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel said he "felt as if I were on a different planet". He also reported that the discussions centered around the victimization of pedophiles.

I'm with Matt. Where are we and what have the psychiatrists done with our planet?

Something has gone incredibly screwball in the minds and hearts of Americans. That is a given, because we have essentially gone back to the days just after Hezekiah when Manasseh was king and babies were being sacrificed.

Thankfully, abortions have decreased in numbers but even if there was one abortion it is too many in my book. The APA voted 157 to 0 in favor of endorsing same sex marriages, and now they are seriously discussing children are not victims of pedophiles, but the pedophiles are the victims. I'm sick to my stomach!

This didn't just happen. Back in the 1990s, the APA endorsed a report that children at the age of 13 should be considered consenting adults in sexual encounters with pedophiles. The growing inclination to rob children of their innocence is a growing world trend. See my post on a United Nations report. If that gets implemented, then our children will be sexually awakened long before God intended them to.

If we do not wake up and voice our outrage, then the world will sink deeper and deeper into the muck and mire of Satan's plans. Of course, God won't hold back judgment. However, when we stand up for our Christian morals, standards and ethics, then we are aligning ourselves with God Almighty. That is exactly where He would have us be. WE are the restraint holding back the evil of Satan's rage. If we do not speak out, then we get what we deserve. Oh, Lord Jesus, come quickly!

I had to hunt for it, but I finally found the article I was thinking about and here it is...
Here is the article
Sunday, March 28, 1999
THE AMERICAN Psychological Association's Psychological Bulletin released a study of 59 other studies last year that concluded that college students who had been sexually abused as kids were ``slightly less well adjusted' than other college kids. Authors Bruce Rind, Phillip Tromovitch and Robert Bauserman urged psychologists not to assume that sex between nonrelated adults and minors is abusive, as children often deem the experience to be positive. ``In short,' they wrote, ``the self-reported effects data do not support the assumption of wide-scale psychological harm from CSA (child sexual abuse).'

The authors want to dump the term ``child sexual abuse' when children consent to sex with adults. Better, the three argue, to call such relations ``adult-adolescent sex.' Or when the ``willing encounter with positive reactions' involves a 9-year-old and an adult, call it ``simply adult-child sex, a value neutral term.'

Last week radio talk show host Laura Schlessinger -- a.k.a. Dr. Laura -- began a crusade against the piece and the APA for printing it. She fears the piece is part of a concerted effort to get the APA to remove pedophilia from its list of mental disorders.

APA spokeswoman Rhea Farberman thinks that it is valid to criticize the piece. She reiterated the APA position that pedophilia is ``a mental disorder, extremely harmful to children, is illegal and should stay illegal.'

Farberman criticized Schlessinger, however, for making a big issue of the piece. Maybe that's because the APA showed appalling judgment in printing this pedophilia propaganda.

Schlessinger attacks the study's methodology. It would be the equivalent of asking women who had been raped 10 years ago how they feel today. Then, if most say they are fine, concluding that rape is ``not harmful, in fact it might be beneficial.' Thus the authors culled through their data on college students, then said do away with the abuse term because 37 percent of males viewed their childhood sexual experiences as positive and that males viewed their childhood sexual experiences with adults more positively than females.

No surprise, the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) has posted the ``good news' about the study on its Web page. ``On average, nearly 70 percent of males in the studies reported that as children or adolescents their sexual experiences with adults had been positive or neutral,' it stated. And, ``The current war on boy- lovers has no basis in science.'

It's as if all the research about the trauma caused by adults having sex with children, all the testimony, all the tears, all the rage, never existed. Most boys liked it, or didn't mind it, which is the same to the three researchers. Some girls -- probably those they refer to as ``mature' -- liked it, too.

Heterosexual pedophiles have been making the same argument for years. The little girls liked it. The little girls wanted it.

You expect that sort of cynical excuse from a cruel pervert, but you don't expect to read it in an APA journal.

The authors had argued that their mission was to differentiate between what childhood sexual experiences with adults are most harmful -- that it is important to contrast between ``the repeated rape of a 5-year-old girl by her father and the willing sexual involvement of a mature 15-year-old adolescent boy with an unrelated adult.' Yet, they don't differentiate between boys' reactions to sex with a man and sex with a woman.

``Doesn't that make you suspicious that they have an agenda?' Schlessinger asked.

As a matter of fact, it does.

Of course, what really makes me suspicious is any psychologist who thinks that a 9-year-old can consent to sex.

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