Attributes of the Perceiver Day 2

Remember, yesterday we were in Matthew. We looked at four characteristics of the Perciever and today we'll study four more. For each Gift, there are 20 attributes. These 20 attributes have been researched with 1000s of Christians taking questionaires given by Don and Katy Fortune. I took these attributes and scoured the Bible to find men and women who illustrated these attributes. It was such a wonderful study! I did this several years ago and I'm having such fun going through this again. This is my fourth or fifth time, now, and I am learning even more. I believe strongly that our motivations shift occasionally so we fit better into God's mold for our work. Don't forget, He gives according to our abilities and our faith. It is amazing how much more I understand now than back then. I recommend you copy/paste/print and save it to do again next year to see how your gifts may have shifted or increased. I hereby give my written permission to share this with anyone, but you cannot sell it and you must give Charles Stanley, Don and Katy Fortune and me credit. Also, you must give the sources where the information can be found.

I hope you kept your something's in Matthew 3:1-10 and Matthew 11:1-6.


We are studying the characteristics of John the Baptist and how closely he illustrates the Spiritual Gift of Perceiver. Put the chapter and verse beside the different characteristics (in bold) of John the Baptist. Then in the grid, score yourself on how true the statement is about you. Total the points on the score sheet at the end of this section. You will note there are twenty statements and there is a possibility of a 100% score for each gift.

Strongly believes difficulties will produce positive personal brokenness ___________________

Never = 0
Seldom = 1
Sometimes = 2
Usually = 3
Mostly = 4
Always = 5
Total ___________

Has only a few or no close friends
Never = 0
Seldom = 1
Sometimes = 2
Usually = 3
Mostly = 4
Always = 5
Total ___________

Views the Bible as the basis for truth, belief, action, and authority _______________________

Never = 0
Seldom = 1
Sometimes = 2
Usually = 3
Mostly = 4
Always = 5
Total __________

Boldly operates on spiritual principles ______________________________________________

Never = 0
Seldom = 1
Sometimes = 2
Usually = 3
Mostly = 4
Always = 5
Total _______________

For today, my total is 19 out of a possible 20. It looks like my Motivational Spiritual gifts have shifted a bit. This just illustrates how God shifts our motivations from time to time so that we will be equiped to do His work. 

Attributes of the Perceiver Day 3 study continued...

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