Funny how God answers prayers
Joe B over at God Even Loves Idiots Like Me Asked the question how God had answered a prayer unexpectedly. Well, I just have to tell you about this one.
“So, how’s your day going?”

“Fine. How’s yours?”
“Fine. How’d your meeting go yesterday?”
[Here’s the place where we go flashing back two days ago.]
Lauri Anne, my daughter the casting director, calls me up and she asks for prayer because she’s over budget in one section of extras and her boss had given her a note: “We need to talk.” I always hated those notes when I was District Sales Manager for the Berry Company (The Real Yellow Pages). It always was BAD, those “We Need To Talk” meetings. The division manager would always let me know if it was a “good” meeting by asking me if I had a minute. Of course, being very sensitive to who ran the show, I would reply, “I always have time for you, James.” Then my immediate boss would say, “Gina, come see me.” I would always cringe with the olive press feeling—you know, all the oil is squished out leaving basically nothing. You know those kinds of meetings that you are asked to attend but are given zero clue what they are about and when you walk in and sit down you are blind-sided with no where to run and nothing to deflect the fiery darts of wrath from your boss. What? You’ve never been to one of those meetings? I want a job where you work, send me an application, please.
So, she gets one of these notes and it doesn’t freak her out until she’s going over the paperwork for the day before and she sees—uh,oh—she’s over budget in one section of extras (the section that gets close-ups and/or small speaking parts). So during our daily call, she asks for prayer about this because 1.) she doesn’t want to get fired and 2.) she’d really like the next movie gig this guy does. As soon as I understand the problem, I am immediately back in my office on Essen Lane in the Jacobs Building with that huge hand squeezing my heart and the words, “What did I do now?” trying to burst from my lips. I felt her pain.
So we prayed and I prayed and she got busy doing casting director stuff and I went back to enjoying my 2 weeks off before school starts again.
[End of flashback. Back to present time]The phone rings…
“So, how’s your day going?”
“Fine. How’s yours?”

“Fine. How’d your meeting go yesterday?”
“It went great! I think he was a little intimidated because of the policeman’s uniform and I kept playing with the handcuffs. He didn’t even mention me going over budget.”
I couldn’t help it. It took a minute or two for me to quit laughing so I could find out more. She was an extra that day playing a tough policewoman with reflective sun glasses and had the full uniform on including the handcuffs. And I’m wondering why she couldn’t she have had the uniform on when the cop stopped her and gave her a ticket for running a traffic light.
[side note: I am not sure I like the Word/Blogger feature. I cannot add photos to word and they upload. However, if I want a record of all my posts so if something terrible happens like what happened to Paul at Stonegate then I'd still have my posts. We'll see.]
Your daughter is thinks she looks a lot like you (from what I can see in your small pic!)
Yes, do tell about Word/Blogger. The post looks okay to me...what am I missing?
Yep, I looked at your pic again and she is definitely a younger version of you! :)
Gina, my dear sister in Christ,
Your daughter is definitely a reflection of you (beautiful as you both are). If I were a florist, two southern belles such as yourselves would be my pick. haha Get it? But thankfully you two are chosen of the Lord rather instead. May your daughter be blessed in what she does.
Richard Sees
Gina, thanks for visiting my blog. I've been reading yours and really enjoy it. And I LOVE the picture of you in your profile. It is a neat pic. (Your daughter is lovely as well!)
Speaking of Cajuns and Boudreaux and laughing...we have a friend from LA who has the greatest Cajun accent; it's quite fun to make fun of it. :) We're always joking around about Boudreaux, the little known 13th Cajun disciple. :)
New feature on Blogger. You can download a program and it turns Word into a Blogger Post thingy. You can type in your post on Word then hit the publish button and it goes directly to your blog. But, you can't add pics. You have to edit your post for that (unless I'm missing something which is entirely probable).
Richard, you are a peach. I'd say "Thank You", but that would be like I had something to do with how my daughter looks LOL.
Oh, Gayla, thanks for visiting! I adore Cajun accents! They are so much fun, the Cajuns not the accents... well, I've tangled that one up.
MMmmm *rubs belly and licks chops*...somebody say...Cajun? I'll be down in approximately...16 hours! Yeah...or at least that's what Mapquest says. haha j/k (about visiting right now that is).
BTW - I'd like to see some of your recipes and dishes if ya wanna blog them one day. :-D
Later mums,
Richard Sees
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