@TipsforJesus -- I love this story

With so much news being BAD, negative, and heartburn churning these days, what a wonderful story.

According to TheBlaze:
An Instagram account with the username “TipsForJesus” is continuously documenting these escapades, including images of receipts from each good deed and some of the elated faces of individuals receiving these gifts.
While those behind the tip giving effort remain a mystery, a mission statement is present on the aforementioned Instagram account: “Doing the Lord’s work, one tip at a time.”
Gawker explained that this individual or group has been able to fly under the radar so far over the past few months, leaving tips that range from $500 to $10,000. Adding up receipts, the outlet reported that more than $54,000 has been doled out so far.

Do you watch Undercover Boss? This story has the same kind of feel. Caught doing you job well, you get rewarded with huge rewards. Caught serving a meal well, you get rewarded far beyond the normal 10-20%. This is truly heartwarming, and so many waiters and waitresses have been able to reap the rewards.

Working for the joy of working is commendable. Anonymous giving large tips is even more commendable. How often do we see So-So Celebrity gives millions for Such-Such charity, or for orphans, or for building a school. I much prefer giving in secret. It is better all around, I'm thinking. The fact this person or group of persons can slip in and out of a restaurant without fanfare gives me more confidence in human nature. There really are some Good Guys still doing Good Work.

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