Sunday morning

I was looking out over the Sunday morning crowd a while ago as we sang Holy, Holy, Holy, and I spotted something so sweet and yet so poignant. A pair of grandparents held tightly to a darling little 6 or 7 year old girl. As she stood on the pew singing her heart out, their arms wrapped around her, they were singing in her ear. It was such a precious sight.

Then I thought, where are the parents?

There was a time when the answer to that question would have been automatic. The parents were some place where they could not get to church. Today, is far different times. Parents somehow do not feel the same deep desire to be at church as they did when I was growing up. Back then, the only ones who came to church without husbands or wives were those who did not have a husband or a wife. Every dad came with their children, and every mom was there, too.

I am not saying that just because a person goes to church, they automatically have a place reserved in Heaven. On the contrary, that won't happen. There will still be folks setting in pews the Sunday after the Great Snatch. They may suddenly realize that they'll have to hatch out something... or not.

I looked out over that Sunday morning crowd and suddenly realized what Heaven would look like. It would just as Jesus said, "Two in the field, one will be taken and the other left. Two in bed, one will be taken and the other left." And most likely, 101 in church, 100 will be taken and one will be left.

I am glad I won't be left.

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