Fetuses found in a dumpster...
I cannot imagine the pain those babies felt, nor the pain of the mother's after the abortion. I can only cringe in horror at what that group found inside garbage bags inside the dumpster. It reminds me of the Holocaust. Blatant disregard for life is bad enough, and God says punishable by death. But to toss those little bodies in the trash can and then in the dumpster is coldness to the nth degree. Although, I shouldn't be surprised or shocked because its abortion and the abortion thought process is that it is merely tissue and a parasite within the mother's womb.
If that is truly the case, then why do so many women have such terrible feelings of loss after an abortion? Why do they have groups now that gather together to support one another, name their baby and let balloons go with their baby's name attached?
I know those aborted babies will be in heaven, just like those babies in ancient times that were offered to Molech, as the Bible says "caused to pass through the fire." In other words those infants were placed in the stone or metal hands that were close to a burning furnace and were roasted to death, an offering to a demon.
This is just another symptom of the End Times. The love of man has gone cold, yet while there is life there is still hope. I do not know how much longer God will hold His wrath in check, but I'm praying it won't be much longer. I'm praying that those women who have had an abortion will find peace within their souls and will speak out on the issue. I'm praying for our soldiers being forced into something they never wanted. Mostly, I'm praying for our country that God will have mercy on us.
Dr. David Jeremiah and the White House disagree on economics
David Jeremiah is currently preaching a sermon series on the Last Days, and his new book The Coming Economic Armageddon: What Bible Prophecy Warns about the New Global Economy he is rather vocal about the coming disasters predicted by the Bible concerning global economy as well as events that must happen which set the stage for the Great Tribulation. (You can watch his sermons on ION Television at 7:00 AM Central Time.)
OneNewsNow reports David Jeremiah spoke with DuBois and he said, their conversation was "cordial" and that they had to agree to disagree about the economic policies. In Jeremiah's statement, he said,
"In this important dialogue about the future of our country and the resolution of the issues that we are currently facing as a nation, there must be room for criticism and debate, and each of us should feel the responsibility to speak out. Joshua knows of my concerns and left the door open for further discussions in the future.Amen to that! Jeremiah also stated on AFR's Today's Issues that he meant what he had said. He also affirmed that all Americans should be able to voice their opinion without reprisal.
"Please remember to pray for our nation and for our president!"
Our nation is taking giant leaps toward socialism. It is not a place where we would like to reside no matter how attractive the marketing package makes it sound. All we need do is learn from history, the most recent is Spain and Greece. More distant, but still memorable, is Russia. Can we forget the long lines where a size 8 foot was handed a pair of size 11 boots? Can we forget the way the Russian government ordered people to jobs they had no affinity for? Regardless of artistic talent, some were forced into something else. The discontent rose to the same level as the end of the Czar era which is why the collapse of the old Russia. It is also why the Berlin Wall fell.
Obama's lack of laissez fair, which is “leave it alone and it will work itself out”which means equilibrium is the natural state and shifts in supply and demand will bobble the economy but not devastate it, exhibited in printing more paper dollars thus reducing the value of the dollar only perpetrates inflation. Why he can't see that baffles me. He's got PhD-advisers who have spent thousands of hours studying economics and they can't see it? Why can't we ever learn from history? Why is human nature so ego-centric that we must believe that even though it happened in the past, we're smarter now and we can keep it from happening. Poppycock!
So, Dr. Jeremiah, I salute you. Please keep voicing your opinion and I will keep praying for your safety and for the safety of these great United States.
Judge awards legal fees to lesbian teen
This is the thing that bothers me the most, why must homosexuals insist on in-your-face tactics? If she'd just shown up at the prom with her girlfriend they probably wouldn't have said or done anything about it. But this girl, egged on by some homosexual rights activists and sanctioned by her parents thinks that she is forever a lesbian even before her body is completely matured and her mind is far from maturity.
I heard a psychologist, who specializes in this on American Family Radio (AFR) a while back, who stated teens often mistakenly assume feelings they have for friends are true homosexual feelings when actually they are confusing feelings of orientation with belonging and caring. A majority of teens are brain damaged until after age 20-23, how can they know?
The teen says she was tricked into going to a sham prom while everyone else went somewhere else. Really? How shocking that kids would treat her so when her big mouth had spoiled their prom plans.
To hear Ann Heche's story is quite an eyeopener. She slipped into that lifestyle because her father left her mother because he "just couldn't stand it any longer and had to live an openly gay lifestyle." He died from AIDS. She loved her father so much that she had to explore the lifestyle to identify with him. Her mother told the story in an interview on AFR. I think it so sad that people fall into the web of Satan's seduction.
Dr. David Jeremiah and the White House
Dr. Jeremiah indicated the dangerous direction this country is being led, and voiced his opinion of that while being interviewed about his new book. That isn't news. A call from the White House is.
Joshua DuBois is the presidential liason to faith-based organizations and it was he that put in the call to Dr. Jeremiah concerned about the comment. It will be very interesting to see what will happen next. I know Dr. Jeremiah well enough to know he won't back down from his comment. So what will happen next?
It should be enough
The names of God
EL, Elohim, El Shaddah, Adonai, Jehovah-The LORD, Jehovah-Jireh- The LORD provides, Jehovah-Rophe=The LORD heals, Jehovah-Nissi=The LORD our banner, Jehovah-M'Kaddesh=The LORD Who sanctifies, Jehovah-Shalom=The LORD our peace, Shepherd, Judge, Jehovah Elohim=LORD God, Jehovah-Tsidkenu=The LORD our righteousness, Jehovah-Rohi=The LORD our Shepherd, Jehovah-Shammah=The LORD is there, Jehovah-Sabaoth=The LORD of Hosts, El Elyon=Most High, Abhir=Mighty One, Branch, Kadosh=Holy One, Shaphat=judge, El Roi=God of Seeing, Kanna=Jealous, Palet=Deliverer, Yeshua=Savior, Gaol=Redeemer, Magen=Shield, Stone, Eyaluth=Strength, Tsaddiq=Righteous One, El-Olam=Everlasting God, El Berith=God of the Covenant, El-Gibhor=Mighty God, Zur=God our Rock, Sun of Righteousness, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Ancient of Days, Melekh=King, Angel of the Lord, Father, Alpha Omega, The First and the Last, I AM, Word, Almighty, Jesus, Christ, Sophia=Wisdom of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit...The names of God are so powerful and bring a surge of assurance. Am I in turmoil? Jehovah Shalom will settle my spirit. Am I sick at heart or body? Jehovah Rophe will heal me. Do I need guidance down life's path? I must only follow the Shepherd's voice. Overwhelmed by attacks of the Enemy? El Elyon Abhir, the Most High Mighty One will fight the battle holding up the Shield to protect me, for the war has already been won. Sweating in the heat of battle? The Branch will shade and Jehovah Jireh will provide all I need. Sophi is ours for the asking says James. Lest we forget, Jehovah Sabaoth-The LORD of Hosts will certainly be sitting on the Great White Throne on that terrible day of judgement. But, never fear, ElOlam, our Everlasting God will spread His mighty wings, mounting us up and we shall reign forever with Christ our LORD.
This list was compiled by Lambert Dolphin
Wife beating in the Muslim mindset
I read a singular interesting debate over on One Man’s Blog which I do not frequent but found by accident through a series of clicks. Does anyone identify with me here? I can get so lost in Internet Land by following links that I forget what my original quest was all about. Well, this morning, I did not forget. The subject is Wife Beating. I saw a video on YouTube in which two men were discussing the proper etiquette for beating one’s wife. It sickened me so I’m not putting up a link to it. You can find it easily by Googling wife beating.
The debate which I have linked depicts the seduction Satan has over Muslims. I do not know if Lalla is a man or a woman, although one reference seems to indicate female gender. The point of discussion was whether Islam allows wife beating as a form of chastisement and discipline within marriage. After reading this debate, I have come to understand that I do not understand the Islam mindset or Islam religion. Someone in the debate admonishes us to not gauge the religion by what Muslims say/do, but to read the Qur’an in its original language in order to get the full, proper meaning.
Just as we Christians preach context, context, and we study hundreds of commentaries, the Greek and Hebrew languages so that we get a proper understanding, and we are constantly saying not to judge Christianity by the plumbline of Believers but of the True Plumbline of Jesus Christ, it would seem the followers of Allah have the same mindset.
I have not studied the Qur’an. I have seen what Muslims can do in the fanatical state of the Taliban. I understand that Christians have done some bloody things in the name of Jesus, too. Things like the Inquisition come to mind. There are many who say, well those who were oppressing the humble back during the Inquisition were not Christian at all. I agree. While none of the Muslims who participated in this debate ever said that Muslim wife beaters were not true believers, they did imply that wife-beating Muslims did not understand the proper reading of the Qur’an. That the word in Arabic Daraba would properly be translated as to “set a clear example” in the verse that triggered the discussion Surah 4:34.
Also, these Allah followers insist that the Qur’an does not “allow” wife beating, but “limits” it. Really? Jesus told the Sons of Thunder, “He who is not against Me is for Me.” That is exactly what is happening here. When something is not forbidden, but limited then that something is being allowed. Period.
Can you see the subtlety here? The implication that is trying to be made is that wife beating is not allowed, not that it is forbidden. The problem with that is the accepting of sin and limiting of sin. God tells us the things that are forbidden, that are sinful both in exactitude as well as in implication. God points out the actions of man against man is the lack of love for man. God commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves. To disobey this command is to sin.
To treat another person in such a way that one would never treat himself is a sin. Regardless of any limits. God never put a limit of conduct on murder, or stealing, or rape, or incest. Because domestic violence is prevalent around the world, are we to take it as a normal happenstance? No, we are not. It isn’t just the wife that is being harmed here. It is the children who are being taught a way of life that is not normal and is wrong in the eyes of God and mankind.
Paul wrote to Timothy that the last days will be filled with self-indulgent humans whose love for mankind goes ever colder. If we Christians do not turn the fire up, we will be sucked into that cold and we’ll never hear those coveted words, “Well done My good and faithful servant.”
Transportation national bank
That is probably the scariest story yet.
We already have a huge government which pays workers almost twice what any private/corporate sector worker gets paid. Now, we'll be having a national bank with "private investors". Doesn't anyone understand that we already have a scandal concerning Obama campaign contributions? Now, a national bank in the works which will let the market place determine where roads and bridges will be built and fixed. That means rural America will be back to traveling gravel roads because everyone knows commerce centers will get their roads and bridges while farmers and "hicks", since we're used to gravel and dust, will get more of the same.
But that isn't the worst of it. The scariest part is having a national bank owned by the government, funded by private investors. Shudder. We already have people sleeping in welfare hammocks feeling entitled to money that I worked hard to earn, now the government wants private investors to fund public works that we already pay taxes for AND they want to raise taxes on gasoline by at least 25 cents per gallon. So which is it? Private investors or taxes? Will this be another, "Oh you have to pass it in order to find out what's in it" kind of bill?
No thank you. I've had enough of that to last two lifetimes... oh, wait, it's now a debt even our great grandchildren won't be able to pay. When is enough enough, America?
Mississippi Judge slaps criminal contempt on attorney
Does the judge have the legal right to order the Pledge said and to order Attorney Daniel Lampley to jail with criminal contempt? In a word, yes. The legal definition of chancery is a court that can order acts performed, so technically, Judge Littlejohn can.
Respect for our Flag and for our National Anthem is not mandated or constitutionalized. It is traditional. You can check out Flag Etiquette here. It is common practice and patriotic. Americans love the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, we are mostly patriotic. Why wouldn't someone say the pledge of allegiance?
If he is a Jehovah Witness, then he is not allowed to salute the flag or say the pledge. It is what they believe. Does a judge's order win out over religious belief? How sad that this question should even come up.
No, I do not know this attorney's religious belief. I just happened to know one reason why a person would not stand during the National Anthem, salute the flag or say the pledge of allegiance. Would I go to jail if a judge ordered me to renounce Jesus? You betcha, I would. I would die for my beliefs. As it so happens, a lot of soldiers and sailors have died just so anyone could worship as their conscience leads them to worship. If that happens to be Jehovah Witness, then so be it, although I pray that all Americans would come to know Jesus Christ as their savior and LORD. You just cannot legislate religious belief.
Joy and pleasure
I can be depressed but I have not lost my joy. Despair flees because of my joy.
I have not lost my joy because I am so confident that He loves me.
And because He is love,
I understand love better.
Because I understand love better,
Living a pleasing life to Him gives me more joy.
More joy gives me more pleasure even when I am sad; and this all stems from my firm foundation in Him.
Without Him I would have no clue what pleasure actually is or how deep that it goes into the fibers of my being. I would never know the true difference between the fickleness of Happy and the permanence of Joy.
Isn't that an astounding thought? Selah.
Here on earth I have an inkling of what it will be like in Heaven and because of that clue, I yearn more for Him and my dissatisfaction comes not from lack of earthly things but from desiring a closer relationship with Him. But, if that relationship gets too intense, I have to draw back because I cannot hold it all, fathom it all.
The closer I get to Him the more I want Him, the more I want Him, the more I love Him. The more I love Him the greater is my desire to please Him.
All of this started from His first loving me. Selah. While I was wicked and filthy, He loved me.
My pleasure is a direct gift from God and is derived from abiding in Him as He abides in me. That is my heart attitude and there is no place for a splinter to come between us.

"For we will sing a song of celebration. We will shout out with praise for the Bridegroom will come, the Glorious One. We will look on His face; we will go to a much better place. So dance with all your might, lift up your hands and clap for joy, for the time’s drawing near when He will appear. And OH! We will stand by His side, a strong, pure, spotless Bride. And we will dance on the streets that are golden, the glorious bride and the great Son of Man. From every tongue and tribe and nation, we’ll join in the song of the Lamb." Living Proof Ministries II CD
TV Weatherman lost his job because of his faith
Odds of life on another planet
Stories I have written
Come Rejoice With Me -- fiction winner for September
AWARDS -- Come Rejoice With Me
My story won the September Editor's Choice Award. It is such an honor and I'm just thrilled! That story had such an impact on me while writing it. I am so thankful that God exhibits mercy, grace and rescues us through unconditional love. Amen.
sex education for kindergarteners on the radio
HOST: Rae Pica
TIME: 11:30a ET / 10:30a CT / 8:30a PT