Attributes of the Exhorter day 5 -- problems

Two posts today because Friday and Saturday I will be worshiping and praising with Travis Cottrell and Beth Moore! WooWhee!

Never = 0
Seldom = 1
Sometimes = 2
Usually = 3
Mostly = 4
Always = 5
Total _______________

Add up all your totals for Exhorter... How much of that gift do you have? Do you understand yourself a bit better? Do you know someone like this and can now understand them better? I deeply pray so. This is why I'm taking the time to do this study because I so strongly believe that we need to understand our siblings in Christ for a more unifying relationship with each other.

__________________ Problems with the Gift of Exhortation

Misunderstandings Of The Gift Of Exhortation

1. Emphasis on “steps of action” may appear to oversimplify the real problem of a person they are trying to help.
a. seems more interested in “steps” than the feelings of those involved.

2. Urgency in presenting steps of action may seem to others to be overconfidence. They realize that in God’s economy there is no release until there is a willingness to deal with the real issues honestly. They may seem nosey at times but that is the desire to get to the underlying problem and to deal with that, recognizes the need to not treat the surface symptoms.
3. Desire to win non-Christians by personal example may be seen as no interest in evangelism.
a. their main motivation is in discipling the already saved

4. The use of Scripture for personal application may be seen as taking Scripture out of context.
a. they know that God’s principles work no matter what and have a tendency to insist upon the authority of principles rather than specific passages. The Exhorter needs to resist taking a verse out of context to prove a point.

5. Emphasis on steps of action may appear to disregard feelings of others.
a. they know that the only way to true freedom is to take a step…one step at a time. No steps = no growth!

6. Have a tendency to become frustrated when no growth is evident.
a. will quit helping a person when that person exhibits no attempts to follow the steps but will work forever with someone as long as that person is showing that they are trying to grow.


In the Flesh…........................................ In the Spirit…Carnal inclination ............................................... Wisdom
Judgmental ......................................................... Discernment
Presumes ............................................................ Faith
Simple Minded ................................................... Discretion
Selfish .................................................................. Loving
Underachievement ............................................ Creative
Apathy ................................................................ Enthusiastic

Continue the Study... The Attributes of the Giver

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