Can you fathom a $1 trillion?? It's time to cut the credit card

Photo by Tumisu on pixbay

If we were to get into HG Wells' time machine and go back 1 billion seconds, the year would be 1993. A billion minutes ago, the Roman Empire was doling out free wine and free food to every Roman citizen over the age of 14... male, of course. The Roman Empire lasted for another few centuries until 476 when Odoacer, the German, deposed Romulus Augustus and that was the end of the western Roman Empire. 

Ten billion seconds ago give or take a few years, King Tut was born; and God was still king of the Israelites using judges to keep peace in Israel. That was only 3,163 years ago. One Trillion seconds ago, was 31,712 years ago. The dawn of man was still a twinkle in God's eye, biblically speaking..

One billion seconds is 31.69 years. One trillion seconds is 1,000 times that or 31,709 years.

Now that it's all in perspective... fast forward to 2021 and we can see things haven't changed much at all except Congress is now debating trillions of dollars instead of billions. I've posted this before, but I truly do not think anyone can possibly grasp how much $1 billion is much less $36.5+ trillion which happens to be our national debt at 9:45 am pm on February 5, 2025.In the time it took to type that, the debt, increased more than a million dollars!

It would take longer to count to 1 billion because most of the numbers take longer to say than one second. Perhaps about 95 years to count to one trillion... say 485,732,394,723 real fast, three times. That's only 485+ billion.

A 1-inch stack of $100 bills equals $25,000.It would take three 18-wheeler trailers jam packed to the top to carry 1 billion dollars in $100 dollar bills.

Now, your great aunt Bertha died and left you $1 billion dollars but you must spend $1000 per day or you lose everything... do you have enough days left in your lifetime to spend it all? How long does it take to spend $1 billion dollars if you spend $1000 per day, which would be $30,000 + per month?

It would take 2,740 years to spend that much money.

One TRILLION dollars is 1,000 times that. So it's 274,000 years to spend it all at $1000 per day and 3,000 18-wheelers to transport it, and about 95,000 years to count it.

But, our legislators spend far more than $1,000 every day... they spend your entire inheritance from Aunt Bertha  PLUS a lot in one day. That's scary.

We live in the land of milk and honey and it is down right scary that neither Congress nor past president's have seemed to  to bat an eyelash at the national debt.  The national debt is increasing $1.72 Billion per day. Kinda makes me sick at my stomach, actually.

One billion seconds ago, (1993) the national debt was

$3.1 Trillion

In 2006 the national debt was

$8.5 Trillion

On !February 7, 2025 at 10:20 am the national debt is

$36.8 Trillion

We have been spending more than $2 million per minute when in 2011 we were only spending $500,000 per minute in this country of milk and honey.   

Gag! ONLY $500,000. How long will it take for the cow to run dry and the bees can't make enough to satisfy even the leanest request for a taste?

FINALLY Prez Trump understands what Stop Spending means. But gov't workers are now suing him for cutting their stay-at-home do-nothing jobs!!! ARRRRG!

No one is entitled to anything unless they work for it. Social Security and Medicare for senior citizens is a must since they have paid all their working lives into the fund. But there is enough fat on the steak it can be trimmed completely and we'll still have enough fat marbled in the muscle to flavor and feed our lean, mean working machine.

That is a Biblical principle that worked well for Paul and the Apostles and it should work well for us. But, like the Romans, some people have become too fat and lazy to work for their supper. But these would rather reach into mailboxes for the government "pay"checks, not go to work, complain about no service at restaurants, not give tips, and eat bonbons by the TV when they aren't rioting in the streets chanting "Sue Trump!

 Lately, the Democrats have made that possible. Unfortunately, if we are not careful, like the Romans, our money will be monopoly money and the free wine and free bread along with the daily free ham will drain us all dry. Once the masses are deprived of their freebies, they get really nasty. 

If things are this bad when the well isn't completely dry with riots, pillaging, murders, and stealing without prosecution, what will it be like when the well is dry? 

However, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and render to Uncle Sam what is Uncle Sam's and render to God what is God's. That has worked really well so far. God promises something beautiful when we bring the tithes into the storehouse. He wants us to test Him, try Him, prove Him and the blessings, unmeasured blessings He will pour out on us.


Patti said...

I am more concerned about the corporate entitlements that we have. How about Halliburton getting all these contracts to help rebuild things.

Refreshment in Refuge said...

You have an excellent point, it is worrisome, to be sure!