For the past few months, I've been using tools. I get an overview of what's going on through my blog which is rather exciting and frightening at the same time. The trend is that 30,000 words leave my blog every month and I have no idea where they are going or who they are helping. I only assume they are helping else why would anyone want to copy what I say here? I do not even know which words they are.
I'm thrilled that people find what God is saying here. I'm delighted that He is using me to reach others with His light in this dark world. It is also very humbling.
This past month, two people asked permission to reprint which I gladly gave promptly with a prayer of thanksgiving. But, the others I have no clue about.
It is one reason why I'm using because it automatically provides a link right back to my blog so that there will be attribution given to me. It is just one more little thing to help keep people honest which is the way I'm looking at it.
If you have a blog, I recommend this handy tool. I also ask that you leave a message on the posts that you may be copying to use elsewhere. I'd like to know where it is going so I can support you, too.
Thank you!
Engraved in His palm,
Publishing tools keep you in the know
Paper: Blogging is the new town square
Running head: Blogging is the new town square
Blogging is the New
Town Square: Understanding Why Christians Blog
Regina Burgess
Spring Arbor University
Blogging is the New Town Square: Understanding Why Christians Blog
logging or blogging began in the 1990s as personal expressions of opinions in a
vast arena of subjects. In 2006, there were more than 36 million blogs (NeilsonWire,
2012), and today according to Neilson Wire (2012), approximately 181 million
blogs exist in the virtual space called the blogosphere. Most bloggers are
women, with more than half being moms, and all bloggers are well educated with
seven out of 10 having at least some college. Bloggers are active across social
media with a blogger being three times more likely to post or comment on message
boards and in forums. Chen (2011) studied the needs that drive women to blog;
and how blogging met those needs. The results of this study caused me to
question why Christians blog, and what Christians thought about the ethics of
blogging. I chose the study by Martin Kuhn (2007) as a focal point for my study
on Christian bloggers. I expected to find one of the needs that drive
Christians to blog is the Great Commission; and I expected to discover
Christians use biblical principles as the plumb line for blogging ethics. I was
not disappointed.
Theoretical and Ethical Framework
(2011) discovered the data collected supported that women need to express self-disclosure
and their voice to influence others; and that these two interconnect in women
bloggers. However, it is not the full story. The time spent blogging correlated
with the need for affiliation and the need to influence slightly. This lends
support to the thought that “needs do not operate separately, but may work in
concert as need for self-disclosure and need for affiliation were found to do”
(Chen, p. 179). Christian bloggers have exhibited an approach to blogging that
does not challenge traditional sources of authority (Campbell, 2010). The themes
of blogging in recent years have risen similar to those of Thomas Paine’s cry
of “give me liberty or give me death.” The essential component of secular
blogging is opinion, be that political, pundit, or agenda related, however
Christian bloggers have a grip on factual truth and bow to God’s authority
(Campbell, 2010). Over the years, the Internet has been able to traverse
boundaries and level hierarchies; and to furnish voices to those without voices
(Pullen, 2000). Campbell discovered that instead of resisting traditional
authority, Christian bloggers are more likely to affirm that authority with
“affirmation of religious leaders the most common followed by religious text,
theological ideas and religious structures” (p. 269). In her study, Christian bloggers
used references to scripture with God being the most common referred to
authority followed by many Christian authors such as John Piper. Christian
bloggers will journal about their spiritual journey and offer up apologetics
with the most common theme being the daily practice of Christian principles,
with the education of others being the central purpose (Cheong, Halavais, and
Kwon, 2008). Many Christians use their blogs to give a glimpse into their
religious roles such as the pastorate, or other church roles (Campbell, 2010)
along with encouraging words.
Social presence theory lends a
strong explanation for why Christians blog. Biocca, Harms and Burgoon “provisionally define social
presence succinctly as the ‘sense of being with another’” (2003, p. 1). This
aligns with Walther’s (2002) discovery of a strong relationship between the
online communications and personal perceptions of the one being communicated
with to the point of strong intimacy. Norton (1986) identified 10
communication styles that can be associated with online communications (making
an impression, litigious, open, dramatic, dominant, precise, relaxed, friendly,
attentive, and animated). Christians have that sense of being with the highest
authority, God, and with each other. However, the secular blogger is basically
behind John Rawls’ veil of ignorance in that no one truly knows who is being impacted
by what is being said. The Christian blogger has a greater knowledge of his
position in Christ and the work He prepared for each Christian to do even
before time began. Christians are
behind the veil of ignorance because the mind of Christ places them there; and
because the Great Commission perspective of viewing from the worst-off members
of society (the lost) is magnified:
And Jesus came and said to
them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go
therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that
I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the
age." (Matt.:18-20, English Standard Bible)
This is one reason Christian bloggers cling to
God’s authority.
Once I had my thesis questions pinned down,
I searched for a previous secular study with questions that aligned with my
hypotheses in my own field study. Martin Kuhn (2007) probed into the question
of ethics in blogging. It was the closest to Biblical principle questions I
could find. His questions about why the blog was started also gave insight into
my question of what needs drove Christians to start a blog. Therefore, I
prepared a questionnaire using his exact questions; and sent them to about 300
of my LinkedIn contacts of whom I was fairly certain were bloggers. I also
posted the questions on my blog, and in my LinkedIn group called Christians
Authors, Editors, Publishers, and Bloggers. I compiled all responses to each
question and combined like responses. The respondents were asked to rank in
order of importance six values with 1 being most important and 6 being least
important. The values guiding each blogger were compiled according to how often
a value appeared in the top two positions, and then the top three positions.
two weeks I had received 30 responses, and in another week I had received three
more responses for a total of 33 respondents. Of those, only 24 responses were
from Christian bloggers. Eight were from men, and 16 from women. Two women had
more than one blog, but the others submitted one. The median age was 36 with
the youngest being 24 and the oldest being 68.
RQ1: What drives a Christian blogger to
common response was reaching out to Christians to offer encouragement and as “Lynn”
phrased it, “focus on Bible-based beliefs…to promote good press and Good News”.
The underlying need was to help others better understand God and His purposes.
“Sylvie” is concerned for those who are questioning their sexuality and who
“debate God and homosexuality”. She lived that life for more than 14 years. She
seriously takes God’s directive to reach out to the gay community as she said, “to
give God the glory by being in His service. With that as my guiding principle, I
try my best to do so as Jesus would, since my topic is the gay lifestyle and
the truth of Christ and free will—you are not hard wired.” She went on to note,
“Blogs are the new town square,
where people can meet to express their views. Today, blogs break news, provide
advice and solutions, support and have become a trusted source for information.”
Mark expressed the common desire of the respondents this way, “I want
the blog to reflect the personal work of the Holy Spirit in my life, the
transformation he is doing in and through me, and to share insights into
culture that may enlighten others.” Kristine said, “I wanted to share my
experiences as I walked my Christian journey. I wanted to inform Christians
about the dangers of the occult which they might not be learning from church
leaders or popular media.”
As Cheong, Halavais, and Kwon (2008)
said, “In some ways, religious blogging reflects the standard interests of
bloggers everywhere. There is a focus on documenting personal experience,
followed by interest in teaching and learning, as well as monitoring and making
sense of the mainstream news” (p.117). However, as a whole, this study’s
results support Campbell’s (2010) findings that religious blogging affirms
traditional religious authority which, in the minds of these respondents, is
God. Overwhelmingly, the purpose of their blogs relates (either directly or
indirectly) to the Great Commission Jesus commands in Matthew 28 stated above. They
use their blogs as the Town Square where people can exchange opinions, build
community, and have a safe place to build relationships.
Are Christian bloggers’ values Biblically based?
I chose the values that were ranked
from Kuhn’s blogger ethics study. The findings are not all that dissimilar. The
secular bloggers in Kuhn’s study mentioned factual truth most often as most
important, the next two most important were transparency and minimizing harm. I
received the same results.
Factual Truth 15 #1-2
Transparency 10 #1-2
Minimizing Harm 13 #1-3
Accountability 9 #1-3
Free Expression 7 #1-3;
Etiquette 2 #1 & 3
truth was ranked either first or second fifteen times; transparency was ranked first
or second nine times, and so forth. The disparity of numbers occurs due to the
double and triple positions in which the value appeared. The values of truth,
honesty, and minimizing harm all have multiple related Bible verses which
include: Jesus is the Truth (John 1:17 & 14:6); Honesty (Luke 2:35); and
harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16).
also asked what things a blogger must do to be considered a good blogger. The
most common responses included abstaining from plagiarizing, lying, and copyright
infringement, as well as a commitment to fact checking which aligns with the
value of truth and transparency. One response was simply, “Employ the Fruit of
the Spirit.” Honoring God, respect for others, community building aligned with
minimizing harm to others are values Christian bloggers consistently employ
incorporated within the Agape ethics mentality adhering to Jesus’ command to
love your neighbor as yourself.
so surprisingly, in answer to my question about what things a blogger should
never do, the respondents stayed true to their mission and values of truth,
transparency, minimizing harm by remaining true to God, and additionally never
compromise His word. A common theme was to not take criticism too seriously,
“have rhinoceros skin”, but to invite feedback and use it to facilitate
discussion. Only one person mentioned never “[d]ivulge personal information about themselves or others (their
whereabouts, security stuff).” Another mentioned, “Privacy for a response to some readers is important. I won't air
their pain and hurt in public or betray their confidence in me,” which is an
example of minimizing harm. The nurturing nature of Christ is abundantly
apparent in His body of bloggers.
This study has
affirmed research already conducted which is encouraging. The dearth of
research on Christian bloggers is slowly being filled. Christian bloggers are
taking God’s Great Commission seriously, using blogging as a way to seek out
disciples, teaching them Jesus’ commands, and also using their words to lift up
the weary and disheartened with the consolation of God’s word. This study asked
two main questions the first was: What drives a Christian to blog? The common
theme was obedience to God’s call. What they are accomplishing is the Great
Commission to the lost and to the Body of Christ.
The other
question: Are Christian bloggers’ values Biblically based? The interesting
answer is that ethical concerns no matter the religious affiliation are the same
in the blogosphere. These values are Biblically based, and that is what is so
interesting. Kuhn’s results highlight basic principles which drive people who
are writing publically are based on the values truth, transparency, and
minimizing harm. Those values come from God’s word. This study’s results
support a deeper perception of God’s ambassadors to bear His image and to make
Him proud that Christians who happen to be bloggers are being obedient to Him.
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(2003). Towards a more robust theory and measure of social presence: Review and
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Campbell, H. A. (2010). Religious authority and
the blogosphere. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15
251-276. doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2010.01519.x
Chen, G. M. (2011). Why do women write personal
blogs? Satisfying needs for self-disclosure and affiliation tell part of the
story. Computers in Human Behavior, 28 171-180.
Cheong, P., Halavais, A., & Kwon, K. (2008). The
Chronicles of Me: Understanding Blogging as a Religious Practice. Journal of Media & Religion, 7(3),
107-131. doi:10.1080/15348420802223015
Kuhn, M. (2007). Interactivity and prioritizing
the human: A code of blogging ethics. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 22(1),
NeilsonWire (2012, March 8). Buzz in the
blogosphere: Millions more bloggers and blog readers. [Web site].
Retrieved from
Norton, R.W. (1986). Communicator style in teaching:
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33-40. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Pullen, K.
(2000). creating online fan communities. In D. Gauntlett (Ed.)
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Walther, J.B. (1992). Interpersonal effects in
computer-mediated interaction: A relational perspective. Communication Research, 19(1),
The Buffett Rule Act
No, no one is going to Margaritaville. It's Warren Buffett's law that he felt he shouldn't pay less taxes than his secretary. Although he definitely pays many more actual dollars than his secretary, just a lower percentage rate.
So now, he can do it and the higher rate he pays will go to paying down the national debt. The House passed by voice vote (no dissenters) to allow any rich person who so desires to pay a higher rate of income taxes and what ever over the requirement one pays will go directly to pay down the debt.
So now, he can do it and the higher rate he pays will go to paying down the national debt. The House passed by voice vote (no dissenters) to allow any rich person who so desires to pay a higher rate of income taxes and what ever over the requirement one pays will go directly to pay down the debt.
"If Warren Buffett and others like him truly feel they're not paying enough in taxes, they can use the Buffett Rule Act to put their money where their mouth is and voluntarily send in more to pay down the national debt, rather than changing the entire tax code to inflict more job-killing tax hikes on hard-working Americans," said Rep. Steve Scalise, the Louisiana Republican who wrote the bill.Finally, something passed unanimously :) I wonder how many wealthy Americans will sling a leg over this pony and gallop to pay down the debt?
The pornography trap
I just received a request from my friend Carol Doyle to recommend an article in her online magazine Living Better at 50. The article is about the book 50 shades of grey. It is an excellent article and focuses on why Christians should not read this book or go see erotica movies. I want to say, "Well, Duh!"
Then I thought about all those trashy romance novels when I was younger. I had a death grip on them and it took a long time for me to cut loose from their throat-clutch grip. What compelled me to read that garbage? It was just fiction... I deserved a break from the routine... And numerous other lies I told myself. I honestly did not think I was hurting anyone by filling my brain with garbage.
Kathy Howard makes a great point in her article. These stories mock God and conjure up images that are offensive to Him. What place does that leave for Jesus in our minds? Very little. Once we open that door, Satan puts a wedge there so he can push it open wider, and that leads to desensitization of our conscience. What's the harm in that? We never realize how potent that drug is until we try to kick a habit we do not believe is a habit.
A friend of mine wrote on breaking a sinful habit. It is well worth the read, and if you don't have time to read it today, copy/paste it and read it when you do have time.
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Kathy Howard makes a great point in her article. These stories mock God and conjure up images that are offensive to Him. What place does that leave for Jesus in our minds? Very little. Once we open that door, Satan puts a wedge there so he can push it open wider, and that leads to desensitization of our conscience. What's the harm in that? We never realize how potent that drug is until we try to kick a habit we do not believe is a habit.
A friend of mine wrote on breaking a sinful habit. It is well worth the read, and if you don't have time to read it today, copy/paste it and read it when you do have time.
Interpol hunting convert to Christianity
There are reports that a young woman converted to Christianity and escaped her Saudi home running to Sweden. There are so many thing about this that make me want to cry. First, who led her to Christ? There had to be someone who gave her a Bible, or who told her about Jesus. Then why did she choose to run away?
I think the horror that Christians face within the Muslim religion is so deeply depraved that we Westerners have no conception of its depth. What is so achingly sad is that Satan has corrupted the message that Mohammad wanted his followers to understand. It is not a peaceful religion.
I think the horror that Christians face within the Muslim religion is so deeply depraved that we Westerners have no conception of its depth. What is so achingly sad is that Satan has corrupted the message that Mohammad wanted his followers to understand. It is not a peaceful religion.
On 2 September the Saudi Gazette reported that ‘Interpol is co-ordinating with the Saudi Embassy in Stockholm and Swedish authorities to return the girl to her homeland before her “kidnappers” move her to another country.’ The embassy reportedly has started a search for the woman, with the aid of Swedish authorities.Here we Christians sit, twiddling our thumbs thinking "Oh, God, use me. I'll just sit here and wait for you to use me."
The Brave Buzz Aldrin
I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon the wine curled slowly and gracefully up the side of the cup. It was interesting to think that the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the first food eaten there, were communion elements.
Buzz Aldrin wrote these words back in 1970 in a Guideposts' article. The reason it was not publicized was because of Madelyn O'Hare's lawsuit against the Apollo 8 crew who read the creation account from Genesis out loud.
With the passing of one of the world's greatest heroes, Neil Armstrong, it is something quite special to realize that that "giant leap for mankind" could never have happened if God had not allowed it. Our genius and our reason comes directly from above. Amen.
Thank you, Buzz Aldrin, for honoring God and honoring the moon through communion.
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