Another week gone by

Another week has gone by. Where is the year going? Time seems to be speeding up, and it's rather a great feeling.

If you came here looking for the book review "Trouble the Water" go to Upon Reflection.

I am still working on the website over at the Chamber. It started out like as just a few changes to make it look a bit more professional and has changed into a Gorilla. The more I do, the more it needs changing. It's actually a good thing. I've heard that learning new things keeps you young.

I think I'll revisit learning Hebrew... I'd like to be 30 again.


Stan said...

"I think I'll revisit learning Hebrew... I'd like to be 30 again."

I loved that about the movie, Groundhog Day. He got to learn to play the piano in "one day". I'd love to be able to learn Greek, Hebrew, and all sorts of other things ... but I'm not 30 anymore either.

Refreshment in Refuge said...

You are just so cute, Stan!

Sometimes I want to stay young, sometimes I feel young and other days its a chore to turn over in bed much less get out of it. Sigh... I actually wish Jesus would come today.