Saved and it's final

If anyone desires to believe that because of your works and because of the strength of your faith that you remain attached to the tree, so be it. I choose to use my energy in trying to please the Lord with my obedience. I choose to show the world that I am His by being a lighthouse to this world. I choose to rest assured in one thing...

I know whom I believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep my promise/commitment within Him against that day. 2 Tim 1:12

You see that? I have committed to Him my life. I trust Him to keep my promise. In return I will try my best to be a good witness for Him.

There is something so beautiful about that verse, besides singing it.

Grace is so unfathomable to humans. It is foreign to our society. Nothing is free these days. But Grace is. And God has enough of it to shower everyone who wants to be showered with it. I find that astounding.

Therefore, I shall measure my problems against how big my God is and not how big the problem is. AMEN.

1 comment:

EXSENO said...

shall measure my problems against how big my God is and not how big the problem is.
I do so agree with that Gina.
Great post.