God's handiwork

Sometimes it is impossible to understand some people do not believe there is a God much less that Jesus saves. When I see things like this, I stand in awesome wonder at the universe created by Him. How great Thou art, oh mighty and wonderous God.

For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind. He gave us peace in Him and through Him. How can anyone deny it?

Not only that, but we are His handiwork as well. All I want to do is bring Him glory and if I can, make Him proud of me. Thank goodness I am still under construction.

I was the only person in the entire world that saw this glorious display that morning. Coffee in hand, I glanced out the back door and was stunned at the beauty. I dashed for the camera and just at the exact right moment, took the picture. It was in God's perfect timing I could record His glorious design. This, my dear friends, is too precious to keep to myself.

If God could possibly consider me worthy enough to create this display just for me, how much more He loves you and me... how much more is His desire to protect us and bring us peace, and draw us close to him beneath His wings like a mother hen and her chicks.

Blessed be the name of the LORD!
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Giulianna @ Family Blueprint said...

Ah my sweet Gina! This is so beautiful indeed. I just shared with my teenage daughter the other day what can be done to overcome panic/anxiety attacks, as she has friends that get them in highschool.

I was explaining to her that since I have hit hormonal issues that I have noticed I have times that my heart races and pounds so hard that I feel like I am going to die. In that moment, I feel a sense of panic and if I hold onto to that fear of death...the attack worsens. However, if I force myself to relax and focus on God the attack subsides.

I was sharing with her the things that put me in awe of God to the point of giving me peace. Things such as the stars in the sky, looking at the mountains, sunrises and sunsets, etc. I always end up in awe of God and praising Him. Even if it is only a photograph.

I concur, if God orchestrated that scene to bring your mind to praise Him, how much more does He do in our lives every day that we forget to acknowledge?

Blessings to you dear sister!

Refreshment in Refuge said...

AMEN and amen again, sweet sister! Glory to His name, The Name above all names.

Pia said...

hi gina. i'm so glad to be back blogging. just a quick announcement. i have a new web addy. i also have a giveaway - my first ever. hope to see you there. =D

Stan said...

I was riding to work today enjoying a beautiful Arizona sunrise. I was thinking about the fact that what I was actually looking at was air (invisible), some dust (also invisible), a little water vapor, and light. From that very meager palette, God designed this incredibly lovely display for no apparent reason other than because it's beautiful.

Awesome, isn't He?

Refreshment in Refuge said...

Hugs to you Pia! I am so glad to see you! I've been so busy writing a grant that I've hardly had time to breathe...

Stan! What a pleasant surprise. Indeed, our Father is so undeniably awesome!

Stan said...

Pleasant surprise? Dear Gina, I read and enjoy every post you make here.

Refreshment in Refuge said...

I am humbled. Thank you!

Isn't it amazing how the encouraging words of a friend and sibling in Christ just brighten up the entire day?