If you had just 15 years to live...

If you were Hezekiah, and you were given health and a reprieve with the promise of just 15 more years to live, how would you live those 15 years? What would you do? What would you change?

I would love to say I would do all these grandiose things to glorify God in my last 15 years, but I really can't...unless you think writing a book of wisdom for my children and grandchildren might be grandiose. My Mom wrote a book of her childhood memories growing up in the Depression years and during WWII through her high school years. I edited it for her as she is legally blind and leans upon her 40 something years of secretarial and public relations typing experience to hit the right keys.
In researching to find pictures and ancestry facts, listening to a tape my cousin made of my grandparents' memories I found an affinity to bygone days because there was this thread of continuity stretching from 1891 to the present because of all these memories. I realized how much I would have treasured a book like my Mom wrote from my grandmothers or my great-grandmothers. How alive that would make the past. I definitely have writing that memories type book on my list of things to do. But...

We cannot change the past, however we can certainly choose how to live our future. Looking forward 15 years is almost depressing for me. I am so ready to go home and be with Jesus where there is no more sorrow, no more pain, no more tears, but I faced the fact that God is not finished with me yet. That I have a job that He designed specifically for me. So, in the next 15 years I will have my delight in my Lord God Almighty, and will lift my face up to Him. I desire most deeply that God delight in me and what I offer Him, and that I reflect His light in this dark world. I know that no matter how many tears, how much pain or sorrow that litter my path, He comforts my soul. Taking the priest's admonishment to Romeo, "There art I happy."

I would spend the whole 15 years if it took that long in praying for the restoring of a loving relationship between my two daughters. I have been praying for that relationship for three years, to no avail so far. Yet, where there is breath there is hope.

That said, I would most likely continue living as I am right now. Teaching God's word in Sunday School, teaching Bible studies on Thursday mornings, writing articles and book reviews, and teaching college communication courses. I most definitely want to continue researching Christian bloggers and maybe get another few articles published on that subject. I would delight in all of these... but, to be honest, I know I will delight most in nurturing and playing with my grandchildren (hopefully, I will have more than one :D).

What would you do if you had just 15 years left?

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