Is it just me?

I have been having problems with security on my computer. It seems to be too secure. I can't copy/paste something from another website to blog about it. The "accelerator" doesn't accelerate. THEN...

I'm sitting in church Sunday with worship on my mind. Bro. Kriss is preaching on the 10 commandments and we got to "You shall not steal".

You know, I really thought I was an honest person until Sunday's sermon.

Yes. I have taken pens and notepads and calendars from work to use at home. Oh, not like slipping a handful into my pocket, or anything like that. I just stick it behind my ear or in my notepad and think nothing about returning it to work. I've taken calendars for organization. I've used work internet for writing blog enteries.

There are so many ways we rationalize and justify the things we do that maybe aren't entirely wrong but are still on the shady side of right. Okay, so I did put in a huge amount of overtime with no comp time or salary upgrade. That still doesn't make it right, does it?

Just when you get to thinking you've got a handle on living Christ-like, along comes God and pretty much slaps you on the wrist to say: "You aren't there, yet. Keep working. Keep striving. You are still under construction."

That, my siblings, is very humbling. It isn't painful, but crow doesn't taste so good no matter how well it's served.

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