Total up Spiritual Gift scores

Okay, total up all your scores. I hope you've been keeping a running total of each gift. I hope this grid thing works below so that it'll be easier for you to see how you score. This is what mine looks like...

My Scores
GIFTS 10% \ 20% \ 30% \ 40% \ 50% \ 60% \ 70% \ 80% \ 90% \ 100%][TOTAL] Perceiver............ ..................[ 84% ]
Server....................................[ 52% ]
Teacher................................ [ 84% ]
Exhorter................................[ 87% ]
Giver..................................... [ 80% ]
Administrator.......................[ 98% ]
Compassion.......................... [ 80% ]

I am an Administrator. 
I am motivated by getting a big job done. I wondered why the people in my church didn't see my abilities or want to use them in any way. Then I got on my knees and asked God to use my abilities. He put a heavy burden on my heart to reach out to the women in my community and my region of Northeast Louisiana. Refreshment in Refuge was born. It is a women's retreat in January... the time when women need nourishing refreshment in our Lord because we come through the holidays barely hanging on to our sanity. I love this ministry! I cherish my time with God while I plan it and when I write the Bible study for it.

I challenge you today, to look at your scores then go back and read again all about your prominent gift. Then ask God to use your gift in the way He deems proper. Do not expect the people in your church to recognize your abilities and then to use them. Your church family doesn't know you like God does. God will make the way for using your Gift like no human can possibly imagine!

Next week we will be looking at some practical applications of the gifts. I hope you have enjoyed this series. More importantantly, after next week, I pray you will be greatly edified in how to use your gift through God's strength for the greatest impact.

Continue the Study...

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